I hope saul Ascend procs his way to winning the cup

they’re running it back on LG rn

my fav part about this is that theyre all playing specs that people dont consider to be good. actual underdogs proving everyone wrong.

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Had to delete my post because some nancy boy reported it. F-Tier are the real G’s tho.


Im rooting against f tier. I hate ww and enh they always think they’re bad when they can global you every 20 seconds.

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okay warlock


broooo what is happening ftier going crazy

Saul’s team just knocked out Luminosity Gaming!!


These are the first AWC games i’ve actually watched and enjoyed since that brewmaster team almost sweeped everyone earlier in DF.

I’ll have to watch the rest of the vod when I get home from work tonight.

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If Shaz has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Shaz has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Shaz has only one fan, then that is me. If Shaz has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Shaz, then I am against the world.


lmao the saltiness!

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Holy Pally hype!

proud of young dorito all that teen angst finally put into something useful

Great series. So much better than watching two boomkins cast cyclone for 15 minutes.


I think its just you.

does this mean that these specs aren’t f tier, or does that mean these are just really insane at the game?

it means both and kids on here dont know anything.

So can about 14 other specs idiot

wheres my heckin rmx vs rmxino bro!!! this isnt pvp!!!


Oh, so big and so tough.

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good thing they didnt decide to play in any of the other awc’s

hpal would never get reworked and ww would never get their defensive buffs

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