I hope saul Ascend procs his way to winning the cup

Ret/War lame, WW/Enhance cool.


So 1 is okay but the other isn’t?

Cloaks off Karma with the stupid new Veil of Midnight and kills you anyway lmao

Buff WW.

i dont think you can compare ret/war to their season to what ww/enh was doing in this meta in what we just watched

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One was the staple/posterboy of a season. The other is an underdog. People like rooting for underdogs and betting against titans.

This goes for literally any competition.

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Gotcha. Welp all good then

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It’s just refreshing to see a different composition and team. Their games were fun to watch for classes you don’t see a whole lot.


ret war lives forever by using reactive utility and defense while they keep slugging damage, and the red flag that you need to do most of that utility is either a weakaura telling you your healer has been ccd or your screen flashing red cuz healthbar shrinking

ww enh lives forever by hiding from stuns or other lockdown in anticipation of incoming go. every time shaz is ccd, dorito and saul are already in the wind. if they waited to react to the go until the time ret war buttons are usually used, they’d die in axe toss 30s into every game


I needed to proc more I think


almost everyone agrees you guys did not only better than expected, but extremely good. beating some of the top comps in the tourney.

do you sign mousepads


heroic gameplay


Very impressed you guys did as well with a “non meta comp”. Nice job man

S’aul good, man.

Great job.

Two thumbs up :+1: :+1:

Kind of nuts how hard Hpals melee wings procs and enhance ascend procs can easily determine the outcome of a game

pretty sure he was making a joke based on OP having a sketchy title.