I honestly loved WOD

Count me in. I also enjoyed WoD.

Agreed, Legion felt SO MUCH BETTER than all of previous Wow (at least to me.) So it was really characteristically “unlike Wow.”

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I enjoyed my time in WoD too. I played WoW pretty much every day throughout WoD.

I do not play WoW pretty much every day in BfA…

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Well, it was the only expansion to date where I actually stopped playing. I’ve never unsubbed since I began playing in 2009, but I used my gold supplies to keep the sub going and went to play ESO for a few months due to the mind-numbing boredom of the last part of the WoD. At times I thought if I had to go into that garrison again or do the Hellfire raid again I’d start chewing on the furniture.

And it introduced Pathfinder, for that alone may it be forever cursed.


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I liked a lot of what WoD had. It’s all the stuff it didn’t have that was the problem. Several features advertised that ended up not being implemented, some potentially very cool zones we never got to see, and very little content added after launch.

Garrisons were a cool idea but failed to include what people typically enjoy about player housing. There was very little customization which is, IMO, the bread and butter of player housing. What little customization that was available was further reduced because the different buildings had various effects or rewards that made them much more beneficial to have, even if you preferred the aesthetic of another. It included lots of aspects that, at the very least, felt like mandatory chores.

Personally I was also a little disappointed the story ended up being “oh demons again”. Especially since the following xpac was going to be pretty much nothing but demons.

But everyone has their own preferences so I’m glad you loved WoD! Despite my misgivings about the xpac I did have some fun time with guildies and such. Plus my personal favorite xpac is Cata (also not a favorite of most people) so just goes to show everyone enjoys the game a little differently

It introduced the mission board deal and it has yet to leave us alone. Time has passed and now we still have to deal with an out of place concept.

The mission board is a shadow we can never escape.

https:// i.ytimg. com/vi /L5PLW8DfLBw/hqdefault. jpg


For me, the only downside to WoD was there was so little content and most of it was abandoned. But I did enjoy WoD.

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The wod hate comes from the fact it was incomplete. It’s known that the entire last tier was cut, tons of non raid content was cut, dungeons were cut, capital cities cut, lord knows what else and it is the only expansion to have just one raid tier post release.

The zones were pretty, the environment and theme was nice, and the idea was solid but it just did not land for one reason or another.

I didn’t hate it and played it quite a bit. If LFR hadn’t been a gearing abortion I’d have liked it a bit more. It’s easy to complain about the expansion but the fact is I had like three fully upkept alts back then and was playing a lot more than I do now. Didn’t like the incessant orc flavor at the time, but in hindsight it was no worse than the incessant demons of legion or whatever BfA is supposed to be. It’s almost like the game hasn’t really gotten any better since then, sadly.

Leveling was great. Raiding was awesome. CMs were fantastic. Maintaining alts was a breeze. (don’t PvP much so can’t speak to that, though I was horde and when I did PvP it was… painful…)

Everything else though? Ya everything else wasn’t great… I made millions of gold by simply logging on for 10 minutes each day by using the garrisons. Garrisons which provided me with ridiculous amounts of mats, raid gear, and were entirely self sufficient requiring zero input from the rest of the game.

They were the MoP farm on steroids. The MoP farm took time to set up, and at most augmented your world play. The garrisons flat out overtook the world.

I was subbed for all of WoD, but that’s only because… I’m a raider… I had great raids and CMs to keep me busy. I can see how those who aren’t into raiding were… very upset.

WOD levelling and open world questing is great, i love the world,amd story.

Loved garrisons, sadly helper quests are basic and pointless, and garrisons abandoned content.

I get with the lack of endgame people didnt like it.

This is why blizzard needs to incorporate older content into endgame, id love to farm wod raids proper as well as other content.

The thing about WoD is that the content it had was good (for the most part) but it had really little content in general

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Twitter integration and selfie cam PATCH WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOUU!!! Endless hours of selfies my boy-yo!

WoD was very well polished for classes. I enjoyed WoD more then Legion and BFA. The garrison sounds good on paper but I have never played a game with successful player housing except SWG. The lack of content is what killed WoD.

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I purchased the Collector’s Edition for WoD. The stuff in that book, only half of it ever made it to the game. I know it tends to be a lot of concept art, but the sheer amount of scrapped content, and the fact it was a two year expansion with one major patch, will always mark WoD as a failure of an expansion. People can absolutely like it, but the content drought in it was legendary, and honestly unforgivable for a game as big as WoW. That’s why it’s almost universally reviled.

The classes were far better than they are now, but MoP was the height of decent design before WoD began the prune that happened every expansion since. Though there were aspects I did enjoy about the classes then, MoP classes were just better in almost every way (utility, rotation, etc).

As far as content, it is a shame because I do agree it had some solid content. But the content that was solid didn’t last a full year; garrisons were easy to finish and eventually you just logged in to check gold missions, leveling you finished in the first week, and raids were almost not as lucrative as just doing garrison missions for gear. The raids were incredible, however; Blackrock Foundry is my favorite raid of all time. But in the last week of doing my raid runs again, I was struck with how absolutely barren WoD is. It was an expansion handled so poorly that it honestly should not have had the sub tied to it at the time.

With all of that said, people are free to have their own opinion. MoP will always be my favorite expansion, and the one that I consider the best, at least until something else stands out. WoD will always be the worst, and I don’t see Blizzard ever changing that since I can’t imagine they’ll do another half finished expansion with only a single major content patch in two years. If they made that mistake again, the damage to WoW may be irreparable, if the damage WoD caused isn’t already.

I wouldn’t say I “loved” WoD, but it kept me subbed the whole time. I unsubbed ~3 months into Legion and only came back for Classic, sooo…

I should mention that I mostly casually pvp/wpvp. The biggest complaint about WoD was lack of content. Wpvp is basically “make your own content.” As long as class design is good then I can have fun, raid and dungeon content is meaningless to me.

I do enjoy questing though, and WoD had good quests & zones imo. I want to be in the World of Warcraft, I don’t play this game as an instanced queue lobby.

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I liked the money from it.

I really did despised BF as a hunter main. I never did get that speargun from there. I f I remember right it was BiS. I did it on all difficulties week after week. That fight was also the one that killed pugs. Other then that it was a well made raid zone.

I enjoyed it because it was the last expansion of the PvP Vendor Era - It was great capping conquest via Ashran on alts, doing rated on them, etc. I maintained like 3 Alts above 1700 rating and even one at 1960ish during Warlords, AND got deemed Shadow, Warlord of Draenor :slight_smile:

I didn’t mess with my Garrison too much, I just PvP’d for most of the expansion and tank/healed LFR for Satchels


Me and Highmaul, friend. I never got the staves that drop in there, and it always felt bad when I saw every other healer or caster in my raid get it and I was still rocking some blue off hand and main hand. I feel that pain.

Side note: part of why I liked Legion so much is you didn’t have to worry about weapon drops, haha.