I honestly loved WOD

It’s a Mok Gorah, of course he cheated. It’s a rule in Warcraft, Mok Gorahs must always have a cheater in them. It’s like Warcraft becomes No Game No Life for 2 minutes every time someone declares it.

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The only one I recall that involved cheating was the poison blade that Garrosh didn’t even know was poisoned.

There is a concept about popular opinion and personal opinion.

You can say that you personally think that Def Leppard is the greatest band of all time. What you can’t personally deny is that the Beatles are one of the greatest musicians of our time, even though you absolutely hate them.

People just didn’t like WoD. It is the lowest point in WoW’s entire expansion history, even to date. It’s a business failure.

You can like it though, but it’s still a failure.

WoD is still a reference point for Blizzard in their 2019 interviews, like when Ion had to explain that BFA’s pre-8.1 population wasn’t as low as WoD’s.

I thought it was pretty cool myself as well. The market is more important for Blizzard though because they want to make money. WoD saw them lose money over time so it’s a failure on their end. Players didn’t like it and quit, so its a failure in a popular sense.

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I said the same about BFA the other day, and posters freaked out on me. Good to see at least one person understands.

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BFA is another low point, it is lower than Legion’s population and this was admitted by Blizzard. A lot of people unsubbed, this was revealed in their quarterly reporting.

I actually love BFA a lot. Like A LOT! I also loved WoD and Legion.

Yet I’m not going to deny that WoD and BFA were failures in other spheres than my personal preference.


I did not care for Legion at all tbh. I felt obligated to my guild and raid team at the time or I would have probably unsubbed for most of it. I actually enjoyed WoD and the garrison.:woman_shrugging:


BFA right now, for me, is above Cata, Legion, WoD (in that order). Last time I played this often and had this much fun with WoW was MoP (my number 1).

But, like you, I can admit it’s not as popular as other xpacs and has garnered a bunch of hate.

Gul’dan, used magic.
Garrosh, poisoned blade.
Thrall, used magic.
Sylvanas, used magic.

All of the uses of magic were treated as cheating except Sylvanas’, and let’s be honest, she would have cheated anyway. It’s Sylvanas.

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Why is magic cheating? That doesn’t make sense.

What do mages do during Mak’gora? Twiddle their thumbs and wait to die?

Yup. Pretty much.

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100% blizzard recently phoned in the rules to the duel. It’s always been no magic, until this Sylvanas fight all the sudden it changed lol.

Like you’re going to tell me a silent minority knew the truth when 99% of the player base believed in another? It’s ridiculous.

I just always assumed magic was allowed, seeing as it’s a huge part of WoW weaponry/combat and is used in every Mak’gora I’ve seen.

Come to think of it, wasn’t Gul’dan accused of cheating in the WoW movie because he draws on Fel when he starts to lose?

Blizzard seriously needs to get their lore under control. It’s inconsistent and contrarian, at best.


It’s not allowed, the Orcs have a Warrior culture, they wouldn’t want a magic user as a leader. So they have a duel system that’s biased against magic users.

I like the dungeons. Other than that, the pocket lint drops out in a world where I dont have flight and aint gonna work for it in old content kinda makes the entire expansion full of suck.

I know that’s how they started, but Thrall was their leader for years and shaman magic is his bread and butter. And Blizzard gave them mages.

That’s why the Blackrock Orcs wouldn’t join Thrall’s Horde.

His Horde was considered a perversion of what the true Horde should be.


Looks like she’s saying “Ok Khadgar, I won the bet about Sylvanas being evil, now time to pay up!” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Let that unibrow grow out.

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I really enjoyed WoD too. PvP was in a better state than Legion or especially BFA, and CMs were a lot of fun. Raids also weren’t bad, though there weren’t many of them. I’d say I enjoyed WoD more than both Legion and, again, especially BFA.

Put in the cut content and flying from the beginning and it might have been fun.

I’m talking about the Shattrath raid, Farahlon, capital cities in Karabor and Bladespire, garrison in any zone, and one more big content patch (like going to the ogre continent as a sort of Argus).