I honestly loved WOD

Me too, i hated legion and alot of the changes it brought, especially professions.

I wonder how different WoD would have been if there where as many WQ’s as there are now and had a reason to get people out of there garrison.

All joking aside, WOD had moments where it was good. Gameplay, raids, and dungeons felt better. I even liked the Garrison and spent a fair bit of time in Ashran gearing alts and having fun to a degree.

All the good parts will always be overshadowed by the mass exodus of players and the all the content they cut when they realized the expansion was a dud.


There were 2 good aspects of WoD.

  1. The leveling
  2. The raid boss encounters

The problems occur when you have a 2 year expansion and cannot possibly stretch leveling over that long a period. When the only other positive aspects are raid encounters, it is diluted by the fact that there were only 2 tiers.

6.1 was hailed as a major content patch, but the only thing it gave us was the selfie camera. It was a meme for years. Tons of canceled outdoor content like faralon and shattrath. Ashran was made progressively worse throughout the expansion. A general lack of things to do in the world after you finished leveling. Class pruning had begun. Same 8 dungeons for the entire expansion.


I didn’t start until Legion but reading a lot of comments …

  • Blizz hyped features and raids that were dropped or cut back significantly.
  • Initial Removal of flying
  • Garrison is a far cry from player housing and has become yet another obsolete content item. FF14 really nailed player housing and I’m sure lots of people were hoping for something closer to that.
  • Garrison encouraged a very anti-social play style. Log in. Do your daily chores. Run missions. Log out. With a few alts and nothing but gold missions you could pay for your sub and still have money to burn.
  • Story was incomplete
  • Lacked end-game content

When I first leveled up through it, I found that It did have a nice leveling experience. The dungeons were OK to good, not great. The raids did seem interesting.

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Everyone will have different opinions, and none of us are wrong, that’s just how opinions work.

In regards to WoD, I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t come close to loving it either. Garrison was neat, followers were neat, quests were ok. I don’t pvp, raid or dungeon much, so I can’t judge those as they were back then. Overall I didn’t really care for the zones, most of them were just boring to me, I can’t even think of one off the top of my head I’d love to go back to. The only thing I love about WoD now that I have flying is the bonus objects still give a ton of xp for leveling alts, so I more or less do a handful of quests then fly around doing the objects to get out of that xpac as soon as possible.

As my play style goes, I still love MoP and Legion and have no major issues with BFA. :smiley:

I remember WoD being the first expansion where i thought “man, theres a lot of mobs and they all have an f load of health.”

It was really good, leveling, story, dungeons, raids very good. The trouble with WoD is it didn’t have any staying power. If the expansion was replaced in a year or so it would have been better remembered. It was the only expansion I got bored with and left.

Ditto. :rofl:

Repeatingly smashes the like button for both comments :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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I don’t see how you enjoyed it. But hey, whatever floats your goat.

WoD is an expansion you could literally remove from existence, and nothing of value would be lost.

The only thing that remotely effected us directly would be Gul’dan and the legion thing, but that could be substituted for any bad guy contacting the legion.

Yeah if you take a look at the expansion content added with 3-4 patches being the norm, I think the main problem with WoD is that you played it and didn’t get any meaningful content in years. People were running the same dungeons and HFC and BFA from the beginning and only one raid, HFA=C, was added which was the sole raid for a thousand years with normal/heroic/mythic treated as if it was meant to replace three raid tiers. Of the two content patches WOD got, no dungeons were added, only 1 raid, and 1 zone added that was initally cut from the game (Tanann jungle), not ot mention cut or scrapped content and the hub cities being pretty forgettable. Garrisons on paper sounded like a great idea and grouping was good, but garrisons should have been open world or allowed players or other players to play with each other or gain benefits or use their mission tables in other people’s command table could have been a neat change to at least allow socialization if you wanted and House parties like what OSRS / RS did and other player housing games.

WRATH OF THE LICH KING - NOV. 13, 2008 TO DEC. 7, 2010 (25 MONTHS)

  • three content patches
  • four 10- or 25-player raid
  • one remade 10- or 25-player raid
  • four five-player dungeons
  • one player-versus-player battleground
  • one new quest hub
  • quality of life changes including dual talent specs and the equipment manager

CATACYLSM - DEC. 7, 2010 TO SEP. 25, 2012 (21 MONTHS)

  • three content patches
  • two old raids recreated as five-man dungeons
  • three five-player dungeons
  • two 10- or 25-player raids
  • one zone with new quests (plus the special event Darkmoon Faire Island zone)
  • quality of life changes such as new profession trainers, the dungeon journal, transmogrification, void storage and the raid finder

MISTS OF PANDARIA - SEP. 25, 2012 TO NOV. 13, 2014 (26 MONTHS)

  • four content patches
  • two 10- or 25-player raids
  • two world raid bosses
  • over a dozen small-group scenarios
  • the Brawler’s Guild and Proving Grounds features
  • one player-versus-player battleground
  • one player-versus-player arena
  • two zones with new quests
  • continuation and completion of the expansion’s legendary quest
  • quality of life changes such as flexible raid difficulty and tweaks to experience gain

WARLORDS OF DRAENOR - NOV. 13, 2014 TO AUG. 30, 2016 (21 MONTHS)

  • two content patches, one of which was the selfie camera and twitter integration patch.
  • one zone with new quests (Tanann Jungle)
  • one 10- or 25-player raid (HFC)
  • the shipyard feature
  • continuation and completion of the expansion’s legendary quest (Aka ‘LFG Attunement quest’)
  • quality of life changes such as new Blood Elf models and Twitter integration (1 of 2 patches)

Wod was awesome… I wish they released sub numbers. Even with the content drought I’m sure bfa isn’t killing it in comparison.

I actually enjoyed having some down time to do stuff with friends. The endless grinds of bfa/legion suck.


WoD was hated by PvErs because there was nothing to do, but loved by PvPers.

BFA/Legion is/was hated by PvPers because we are forced to do PvE and get trashed on by people who listen to DBM, but it’s loved by PvErs for M+ and Mythic raiding.

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WOD was my least favorite expansion for many, many reasons.

But I will give it this: It had good world PvP design, and arguably the best form of PvP gearing the game has ever seen.

In short, it was a good PvP expansion.


Before 6.2 you had one whole daily. If you didnt raid you were even more screwed. Casual base had nothing but leveling weapons and even LFR gave absolute trash. they were hoping it would get people to raid but it never did they just unsubbed instead.

That’s true! I absolutely loved pvp! I no lifed it on my main warrior back in WOD! And heroic raided on the side:)

I enjoyed WoD right up until they skipped two chapters and went straight to the end for some reason.


WoD was better than Legion and BFA, easily. I may have unsubbed in WoD but it wasnt because I hated the game unlike Legion and BFA.


I really enjoyed WoD for two reasons.

1: Content was enclosed. If I wanted to do PvP, all I had to do was PvP. If I wanted to raid, all I had to do was raid and keep my consumables topped up as per guild requirements.

2: Once I had done the part of the game that I enjoyed that week or day, I didn’t have to play. The content / PvP experience in WoD for me was very enjoyable, and I never got sick of it because I always felt perfectly fine stopping to play some other game instead.

There seems to be this weird assumption that because this game is an MMO it must somehow encompass my day to day life, and that when it isn’t it’s somehow failing. No. I have other games I want to play, other commitments in my life.

I was perfectly happy doing the parts of the game I enjoyed, no more and no less.


I didn’t play WoD enough to form a fully fleshed out opinion. I only had a month or so with it before the Legion pre-patch fell. Which was enough time to level my Druid through WoD and play through some stuff on the Paladin.

What I did play of it didn’t put me off, though I admit Garrison had very limited appeal. If I was weary of it after a month, I can only imagine how people that played with it longer than that felt about it.

I can confidently say that between the 4 classes I had at 100 prior to Legion, every one of them played better in WoD than they did in Legion. Legion may have had more to do in general, but the vehicles they gave us to experience the content kinda felt pruned to the point of being crippled.

the only bad part of WoD was the lack of things to do.

-the story was not crap
-class design was better
-raids were pretty fun
-leveling was great
-no AP system to punish playing alts.

Only downside is your play time looks like this:
-log on, do garrison quests

  • is it raid time? If no, then log off.