I honestly loved WOD

You had a typo in your post:) wanted to help you out.

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Hahaha!! :smiley: A few people recognize my name. When I chose it (and that was a long time ago – this is one of my characters rolled in vanilla) I really didn’t think much of anyone would in a video game circle. Goes to show me!! :smiley:

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:rofl: Okay, I’ll try as hard as I can… I liked that I could see my toy pets walk around in my garrison. There. That is what I liked about the garrison. :slight_smile: And Pepe. Pepe was in the garrison. :slight_smile:


AND!!! You could decorate your garrison AND!!! You could use the fruit hat to start a congealing. Garrison was pretty OP:)

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The problem with WoD was content, and things gravitating around the garrison, which was not very interactive at all. In class design department, we had gladiator stance, we had purity seal paladins, shockadins, frost DKs with dual wield and two handed weapons, charred remains warlock - which I admit that while poor, were still a nice diversity from never managing to get burning embers to cast a chaos bolt in pvp -, WE HAD CHI EXPLOSION, Clarity of Power… And those were only the classes I played with.

Even after the MoP prune, there were still a lot of skills for you to utilize, and talents and glyphs that changed gameplay. Secondary resources were not too forced as gameplay design. I think that the dissatisfaction of most of the playerbase, currently, can be summed up in the gameplay department, more so than flying or time gating.

Of course, in the pvp department we had… ugh, turbocleave. But I think the arena fiasco was mostly due to Blizzard always being lethargic about imposing changes on class balance.

I didn’t like WoD, but it was a lot better than MoP.

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Yeah i remember the same, WoD didn’t have content, but i remember PVE was fun, PVP was great, People were still angry over the trim but apparently Druids had one ability that did 36 different things for each spec and character from making mages able to heal to druids able to use rogue abilities and vice a versa and all sorts of whacky stuff. But there just wasn’t enough content and they removed flying and had 10-14 months between patches for what meant to be a 1-2 year expansion cycle.

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Your description sounds like Symbiosis, which was a MoP ability that was pruned in WoD’s pre-patch. I used to steal Feign Death from Hunters for hilarity in BGs.

But if WoD had the content, it very well could’ve been one of my favorites. Cutting Farahlon, the selfie patch, garrisons not having the customization originally described for them, no capitals…a few other things…really soured my opinion of it.

From the leveling experience, launch content, pvp, WoD started strong, then crumbled. MoP tops my favs, WoD is at the bottom.


WoD had fun classes and some of the best dungeons/raids in the game. Garrisons also weren’t terrible. Unfortunately they gave us so little to do outside of those things that most players just sat by themselves in their garrisons doing nothing.


Gonna join the uncool kids and agree, WoD was fun.

Cata… I actually hate cata.

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Think he realizes that was a wod thing?

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I’ll say this for WoD: classes were pretty interesting and we saw the advent of some neat toys.

But I never got the sour taste of unfinished content out of my mouth. I was SO excited to see the Fields of Farahlon since my BC days in Netherstorm and they just straight up… didn’t make the zone. No explanation or anything. It still doesn’t exist and we still have no idea about it.

But that was only the tip of the iceberg. Bladespire Citadel, instead of being a Horde hub city, ended up being use for one short intro quest and that’s it. Shattrath never got an interior whatsoever. The Garrison was clearly meant to have a 4th expand that never got implemented.

Tanaan Jungle was a decent endgame zone and Ashran was definitely a cool idea, but it didn’t stop Draenor from feeling wasted to me.

Legion was my favorite. The storytelling was good, Suramar was absolutely stunning to quest through and explore. Helping the Nightborne felt meaningful. Really good raids.

BfA also has some great storytelling, and perhaps the very best zone designs in the entire game, but the content feels a little… thin? Perhaps that’s just because Alliance and Horde have entirely separate campaigns this time around.

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The egregious lack of content and end game activities was inexcusable.

It launched in a state such that the only activities available for max level players were 1) Farm Heroics 2) Do the Apexis daily 3) Garrison upkeep.

The daily routine up until the Raid released (a month or so after launch) consisted of a single daily quest and Garrison chores. Literal chores, like emptying the trash (Resource cache), tending the garden, and keeping every follower busy doing something --anything-- to make them seem at least a bit useful.

It honestly sucked. After raids launched the day-to-day didn’t get any better. You had the raid to add onto your weekly activities. It quickly devolved into “Raid once a week, and check in for at least 5 mins a day for Garrison chores.” After acquiring raid gear, the Apexis currency was no longer useful. Heroics weren’t used beyond the first week of the expansion for gearing. Upgrades came from the mission board more so than the raids or Dungeons. Especially on alts.

It was just utterly dumbfounding how empty and devoid of content the expansion was. It didn’t improve until Tanaan released. That zone and it’s associated activities honestly should have been a part of launch. That would have made a major difference. However even if that had been the case, Tanaan was a pretty meager set of dailies. The set paled in comparison to some other similar pieces of content like Molten Front and Isle of Thunder. I think it was 4 or 5 dailies. Sure, you got to choose between quest A or B for a set, which was sorta novel but it far from excused the overall lack of content they provided… given it was the expansion’s one and only real update in over 6 months since it launched. It didn’t address any of the major issues with the expansion, not that they were issues easily addressed by a patch to begin with.

The expansion was fundamentally flawed. It was a failure. It failed on a very basic level, there was simply very little fun and engaging content offered to players. There was a lack of things to do, and many of the available activities (Garrison chores) were just deeply unfun and unengaging.


WOD didn’t have enough content, but what it did have was high quality. The raids and dungeons, in particular, were excellent.


The Garrison is fine, if they wanted to bring it back just make it a Guild Hall you build and stagger it based on how many people are in a guild.




They were literally tied to a building where I had to wait for NPCs to do my job.

We were forced into a zone and told to go to the next accordingly.

I honestly loved WoD (despite the cut content) and still build out full garrisons on all of my alts as I level through that content, since they’re the closest thing we’ll ever get to player housing.

I started the expansion during Patch 7.2, so I never experienced the content drought I often hear about. It was my first time to run group content while it was current, and WoD’s dungeons, raids, and world bosses (ex., the firebird in Spires) were all fun. The legendary ring questline and Tanaan Jungle were pretty cool, too. Lastly, my guild was at its absolute peak of activity during that expansion.

I did like garrisons. But really the only good thing about WoD was the pepe toy

I really liked WoD a lot too!

When Bae carries No Nut November into Dont Do it December…


It gets a lot of hate from people who parrot the same thing that others say.

Just the other day someone on this forum was telling me how much of a failure corruption gear will be in 8.3, then turned around and told me that they’ve done no research on corruption gear. Amazingly unbelievable, to say the least.

I firmly believe that players complain and rage just to complain and rage. Half the time the things they are raging about don’t have anything to do with them anyway, like the master loot rage. Most of those players would have never been in a position to use master loot and see how it worked anyway, they simply parroted a few lines from other players.

This same thing goes for WoD.

WoD was an alright expansion.