I honestly dislike NEEDING a legendary

to bad that if you do that you get shat on my groups for not doing X damage or told that your cov/legendary is sh*t

ill prob just buy my 2nd one in the bio and then slowly save up to change my first one to its bio

Yeah idk I buy 6 month subs because money ain’t a thing nah mean.

Yeah but Vanilla was the best. Blizzard has to agree with that flawed logic.

I like how legendaries change out playstyle, the only issue is making us make higher item level versions of it every patch for ever increasing amounts of gold.

If it was just “farm this currency within reason to increase it’s ilvl every patch”, i wouldn’t mind it at all.

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Ya I don’t care. I play the game for fun and if a group calls me out, I have a wonderful field of cares that I have sown with a great number of don’t. I’ll gladly show them how to harvest them when they complain.

And then they end up kicking you, making it that you cant do endgame stuff

Nothing against you, i wish (and prob most players wish) I could play like you. Its more so the wow community is very anal about stuff, be it they want to do endgame stuff the easiest way or meta way possible

It’s lole pople are trying to do the new raid in h (pugs aswell, lol) and the new key season by the +m they did last season, even tho we are waaaaay underpowered for that right now, be it we haven’t got any of the higher gear or our 2nd legendary

If they kick me so be it. I’ll get it ar my own pace playing my own way. Don’t get me wrong I understand what your saying I just don’t let them get to me and if they kicked me for playing how I want… I got better things to do.

but if you keep gettin kicked you wont “get it at your own pace” unless you come back to it later when its outdated. its normally best to just do the meta for your role/spec. if you dont know it just go to wowhead and look it up

also as an alliance you will have a even harder time getting into group type games, be it the % of players are higher on horde

Now I only play for AotC and skip mythics.

They already offer the solution its called buy more wow tokens.

same here. im a pugger. i may poke my head into m raids but only for the first few bosses, be it stupid lockout (i could go on about the need to remove that f–ing thing) so i know whats up

dosnt help that now at the start of a season its veeeeeeeery toxic. also dont help that alot of things have changed, like best legendary, best legendary, slot (f that, 3ed time im ganna need ot change mine) and even a few talents (and then if your X cov then Y may be good for you, even tho for everyone else its sh–)

so yer, pugging can be a sh–show at times but its best to just go with what people say. if thay say x is best, go x