I honestly dislike NEEDING a legendary

I’m sure that one of us doesn’t understand it, but I don’t think it’s me.

I disagree. The issue is that the leg is a prerequisite for end game content, in vanilla it was a reward that very few people got for doing end game content.

It’s rather simple really. But I understand if you have issues understanding it.

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Now look me in the eyes and tell me that you honestly think that today’s playerbase would treat it that way if they added the exact same process to a new raid.

Kinda difficult…no?

Yes. The playerbase was fine with it every time it’s happened in the past. I see no reason to believe they wouldn’t today.

I understand you need to find a reason to seem above the unwashed masses, but in general, people aren’t as bad as you want to paint them.

You saying this while insinuating in the same post that people won’t be allowed into raids without full legendaries is peak irony.

Yes the continued need for Torghast for Soul cinders is very irritating. The place was a cool idea but having many floors that I can’t do in 10min increments makes it a chore.

Who told you you need a max ranked legendary?

The power itself does not change as the ilvl increases. Get a 190. Unless you think the 50 stat points will utterly make it impossible for you to do anything?

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It’s really not though. It’s not people being bad, it’s the system punishing them for doing it any other way.

The system will allow you to zone into a raid without a single legendary equipped.

I mean, what’s the point of having a discussion if you are gonna intentionally misinterpret the words?

Maybe you’re just not explaining yourself well. What system, exactly, prevents someone from raiding without a legendary?

Yeah, I guess you’re just finding it difficult to follow the conversation? It’s cool.

If you’re just gonna post in bad faith, I have better things to do.

I asked a simple question. Why can’t you answer it?

I agree, but my biggest gripe with legendaries are that they are basically another borrowed power. There are so many stupid things you need to unlock to have your character play correctly.

I just want to level and be done. That’s it. My character plays how it will play till the end of the expac.

dont you have to make a boat load of them to get to the highest level of the legendary pieces?

TBH that depends on the guild if you want to do anything outside of LFR and im probably gonna go out on a limb and say high key groups are also gonna want you to have them

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i miss Legion

They need to make them more accessible to craft. As of right now, your only choice is to buy one unless you don’t mind using a very low item level

“can’t farm gold on” aka too lazy to do the things that give you 20k+ gold a week.

It’s not that you can’t it’s that you’re lazy.

You play wow. It’s all an insane waste of time.

Doing your callings, anima weekly, paragon chests gives you idk… a free 35k gold a week? It’s an absolute joke how easy it is to make gold as a solo player doing absolutely nothing beyond a few simple tasks.