I hit KSM 2000 rating for the first time! Woo! 100% pugging!

So that was me 29 days ago struggling on a +2. I told everyone I would hit KSM and I did it!

It might be easier this season, but before this, I had only ever done up to a +3 or +4, and I had never ran any of these dungeons before. I also just created this Shaman in S3 and I had never played a Shaman before.

Feels good! The personal progress of struggling in a +2 to being able to run +15s with good DPS and barely any deaths is awesome.

Now I shall set my sights on AOTC. Cleared normal easily but I heard heroic is a whole other level.

I am glad this game is fun again!


Yey well done. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Doing that 100% in pugs should give a separate FoS in my opinion lol


grats. it’s a fun season. The dungeons are really good. WM and BRH are all-time favorites.

I don’t know if I hit Hero before, but I hit it this season. Getting a few portals.

also all pugging.

AOTC is also very doable this tier. Considerably easier than some previous ones. While Raz and Sark could cause wipes deep into p3, Fyrakk seems to be ‘solved’ around 40%.

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Oh hey pretty sure I ran a 20 BRH with you.


Yooo, that’s what’s up. Look at you go.

ooo the one with the tank who couldnt tank? :slight_smile:

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Congratulations! It always feels good to push your boundaries and gain some skills along the way. I’m happy for you. :grinning:

Possibly haha, gotta be honest I don’t pay that much attention in BRH since it’s such a breeze. all I remember is that we timed it and you saying brb for 20 maybe 30 minutes when key was put in lol.

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Shoutout to Rita for getting me started on a few 15s before sending me off on my way :slight_smile:

Also Fairlight and his wife!


Oh dude congratulations!

Big break the 2000 achievement :heart_eyes:.

Doesn’t it feel great? Finally being comfortable with 14/15. I hope to feel like that about 20 one day but we see


You’ve come a long way, you were once a angry M+ person now you’re a experienced player. Congrats!

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that is absolutely me… :slight_smile:

I have a macro with this text that i hit during key countdown:

/p Brb 20min.
/p Maybe 40


The real question is did you ever learn what soak in the back meant?

Grats from your gnome committee! :slight_smile: You will crush AOTC too


Congrats! :partying_face:

Pugging is rough, I definitely noticed “walls” at certain key levels, but nicely done! Enjoy the leafy Dino lizard mount lol



Now time to do it again on an alt.

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People seem to psych themselves out with this a lot, for whatever reason. It’s really not so daunting once you get into it.

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This makes me think how cool (and hilarious) it would be if someone made a General Discussion M+ community in-game and seeing how good and bad most of us actually are.

Congratulations! I remember seeing that origonal post (can’t remember if I ever posted on it), it’s really nice to see that not only did you keep trying, but you’re succeeding as well.

For Heroic raid, I definitely recommend watching videos that will tell you what’s new in the fights for each Heroic boss, especially Fyrakk. Downing the bosses may not rely solely on you knowing, but you definitely don’t want to be the one that makes a big oopsie.

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