I hit KSM 2000 rating for the first time! Woo! 100% pugging!

This late in the season I’ve always considered the biggest battle being actually getting into a group. The LFG section is ripe with AOTC onlys despite that any tom and jerry can buy it for like one wow token.


I actually joined a guild recently and they just cleared heroic tonight, so hopefully I can get a spot next week!

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That should help a lot.

congratulations and you did it on a class that isn’t the easiest to play. enhance shaman not only has a large amount of buttons to press during their rotations but they are quite fragile - hard to keep alive.

kudos for playing the rotation well enough to do the dmg required for those keys while also keeping yourself alive.

timing 15s in 465 ilvl is really good.


We’ve brought pugs into our heroics, and our Raid Lead will actually check applicants’ logs to see if they actually participated, or bought it.

While I do get not wanting people who don’t know what to do in there, I think AOTC only is more reasonable for the last few bosses.
However, path of least resistance.

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Congrats and good luck on AOTC! Hopefully, you can get into an experienced group. It took me several weeks across multiple groups to get it :smiling_face_with_tear:

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the first time pushin keys is always the hardest, even more so a pugger. grats on gettin kms the first time you tried it. as a fellow pugger i know your pain. its only gets easier from now on :smiley:

now go get the portals, lol


Congrats definitely but the real question here is did you ever figure out whose back needed soaked??

Haha I think I got it sorted.

Although I will say I don’t think I will EVER do Murozonds Rise again. Good lord that dungeon is awful lol.


Some of my guildmates were discussing potentially selling a few slots in our Tuesday clear since we have less than 30 players online now that the initial wave died down. I don’t know how it’s priced, or if you can sweet-talk an officer to let you just ride along… I leave that negotiations up to you.

edit: I missed timing +20 Rise because healer’s gear broke and he refused to repair for about 10 minutes…

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I’ve only ever seen that dungeon on Heroic but even on that level I would have to agree.

Whoever thought that part where you have to dodge sand balls or whatever they are to get from one door to the next, and get zapped back to the entrance if you hit one, was a good idea should be swatted upside the head with a rolled up newspaper.

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Good jorb.


Same here just hit ksm 2 weeks ago it was an awesome feeling. Just downloaded wow for the first time 2 months ago

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You did it. Grats.

Hell ya!

Did you go for AOTC as well or 2500?

Grats, but I don’t know about the fun part.

Grats!!! Thats awsome

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Theyre a helluva dual :slight_smile:


fairlight and his wife are really good players, would highly recommend to anyone looking to be taught the ropes

if he’s down, of course


Good for u, but dont stop there, ksh is waiting, all u need to do is not get discouraged by mistakes, and will to learn, search for a way to up youe gameplay, use macros, keybind casting heals on allies in dire situations, use weakauras and addons to smooth out your gameplay, just dont give up and roll around 15 forever.