I heckin miss Shadowlands

I think retconning an entire expansion would be a bad idea personally because it basically means you can never take anything in the story as serious anymore.

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I think i did more keys in SL than i did in DF even when there was no cross faction

That was already the case. Story has to evolve.

Maybe the events in the Shadowlands were just a fever dream.

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Music was really good too.

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Shadowlands was good because like cata it broke my wow addiction

Especially the part where all the so called Deities such as Elune are just robots, I mean that alone blew my fuse and destroyed WoW lore for me. :frowning:

Now I’m almost completely indifferent to lore…

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You and me both. :100:

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I liked SL, but I never felt like I was in the correct Covenant

Thorghast finally was made right towards the end. ZM and Korthia were nice grind zones.

I don’t miss the Raptoras. Early Maw was truly hell especially in the Beast Warren and those Mawsworn archers were OP.

Didn’t care for any of the dungeons except NW. Art and music great as always, but Bastion was painful

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

I agree. Arguably better grind zones than the Emerald Dream. The patch zones in DF seem to fail to keep what was good about the previous expacs’ patch zones.

Other than having to take that FP at the camp to get to the other side of Korthia, I thought it was great. And if I were a Warlock, it would have been even easier with the treasures in trees

But yeah, I miss those areas over ED

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


I actually skipped shadow lands but it’s very rare to find someone who doesn’t bad mouth the entirety of shadowlands. Yet I guess they liked it well enough to keep playing it lol

As someone who didn’t even touch SL until the very last patch in order to get ready for DF… I think it was one of the worst expansions. Even with all the end-of-expansion catch-up stuff, I just didn’t enjoy it and wanted to blast through it all as quickly as possible so I could be ready for DF.

The only things I’d even remotely want to go back there for are a few transmogs.

Shadowlands was a good idea that was—to put it mildly—dubiously executed.


Shadowlands had its faults don’t get me wrong but so many complaints about it were overblown to heck and back that it makes you wonder if the real problem was that some people just need something to complain about.


I never thought it was thaaaat bad. Mildly annoying for sure at times. Hearth at Cov Sanctum with the teleport to Oribos was fine. I also picked up engineering so I had the wormhole to get around. Made everything pretty quick to get to.

This. Without question. A bunch of level up a couple toons and bounce bc it was all trash.

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The only thing I liked was torghast with 1 other person. Too many people and it was just a speed run. Solo was brutally slow. 2 was a good challenge but not too long.

“The worst expansion is always the current one.” - A thing really dumb people in GD say.

No. Shadowlands was the worst expansion.

BFA was the second worst.

Hello Scaly Island Adventure is worse than a few… but it buries either of those two pieces of crap and it’s not even close.

I throw a lot of hate towards Shadowlands. But, Maldraxxus… Was perfect for me…
God I miss Rencissa the Dynamo…