I heckin miss Shadowlands

Say what you will about the expansion but the zones had some real personality. My personal favorite being Revendreth and the Venthyr. I went into that expansion being very weirded out by the realms of death and came out of it wanting so much more.


I miss boon of the ascended

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I don’t miss the systems. But I do miss some of the zone though.

I absolutely love maldraxxus!!! The whole zone just had a metal vibe.
And bastion was just a peaceful serene zone.
Revendreth was alright to me.
And I didn’t really like ardenwealed. Too kiddy feeling for my liking.


I purely miss the meme content that came out during SL lol


You think you do, but you don’t.


I missed that part, … where was the real personality lol

Was it the small zone of green, blue, dark browns or red, or blinding light :rofl:

Ardenweald had some nice things going for it but where again was the ‘‘real personality’’

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I liked that expac quite a bit.


I’ll still never forget how amazingly good it was being a necrolord before flying was released and using an abomination as a vehicle that could be used to mount up indoors, you couldn’t get dazed on, could also use to attack mobs whilst mounted and you could customise.

I’m just gonna say it. Forcing people to remain on the ground meant you forced them to actually engage with the game mechanics. And that was only ever a good thing.


only thing i miss is flayed shot


Zero durability dmg and season 3/4 brewmaster tier was pretty good. Denathrius was handsome, too.

Thats probably it though idk

Shadowlands travel was significantly worse and I do not miss that at all. Flight points to the new zones, stuck between setting my hearth at Oribos or my covenant sanctum.


Personality? What? The zones were the most generic, boring archetypes I’ve ever seen in the game. The only one that wasn’t hideously ugly was Ardenweald…and well it was just blue Emerald Dream.

I guess the Maw had personality, it felt very oppressive like you weren’t supposed to be there. Which would’ve been fine if you didn’t have to do dailies in that environment.


I do too.

I honestly believe the majority of people loved Shadowlands. It’s just impossible to poll a majority.

I mean how could they not?!?! The aesthetic was awesome. The covenants were fun. Torghast was amazing and kind of scary.

I mean they just did so many things so well, and I have to day it’s my fav xpac of all time right after wrath.

It felt more WoW to me than anything else ever did.

Was an all around great xpac.


Revendreth: The mobs that fight like French swordsmen from the Three Musketeers, Sire Denathrius, Prince Renathal

The dredgers. Best NPCs on WoW ever.

  • " If there’s nothing else then …"
  • “Don’t draw attention … just walk … away”
  • “If you die can I have your teeth?”

BfA all the way to DF has been garbage


We’re about 370 days into Dragonflight, give or take.

370 days into Shadowlands, we were on about month 4 of Korthia and Zereth Mortis was still 3 months away.

I was still missing Legion by the end of Shadowlands. I don’t miss it as much anymore, probably because the mage tower was returned permanently and we’ve had legion dungeons here and there, but still…to each their own.


I miss…the uh…wait…oh yea, I miss NOTHING about SL. One of the worst expansions. DF took many steps in the right direction.


LOL, you are very much a minority, I don’t see how anyone could seriously think “a majority” liked it. Shadowlands almost completely killed the game outright. So much about it was so bad. If “a majority” liked it, the game wouldn’t have nearly died.

I actually debate whether SL or WOD is the worst expansion, but they are bad in different ways. WOD had a lot of potential and was just unfinished/cancelled 1/3 of the way through. SL had the pieces of a good expansion but nothing was put together properly and it had a bad fanfic-level story.


I can appreciate some aspects of SL now that it’s behind us, but SL when it was current was unhealthy for me. Seeing the entirety of the story and lore be irreparably destroyed before my eyes was excruciatingly frustrating. I don’t miss that.