Shadowlands the only really bad things were covenants locked, Korthia and the patch pacing.
In everything else it has been superior in every way to DF
Jesus compare Zereth Morthis to Emerald Dream. ZM had stuff to do. Emerald is just like there isnt nothing to do, just the weekly and thats it…
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ZM looked like someone took a bunch of stock assets and plopped them down with no organization, and added cubes and robots.
There wasn’t anything to do but go around, open boxes, and kill rares.
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I miss shadowlands when im in ardenweald running around as a fox.
Then i take a flight path to another zone, and the 2 minute flight reminds me of how much of a drag it was to play each day.
The only thing I miss is the Ardenweald aesthetic. Everything was so pretty and sparkly. I have to go back and get the transmogs that came out after I stopped playing it but I don’t know if I can stand the maw even almost 3 years later.
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Ardenweald was my favorite. I liked getting to have the pretty things.
Shadowlands is definitely one of my favorite expansion. It was a great expansion for new players who wants to dive into fantasy, creativity, and discover the mystery without needing to know or follow WoW lore.
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I mean yeah, it took a giant steaming dump all over WOW’s lore and didn’t make sense or fit in with the universe so…
I understand a lot of players were upset about it. I would say SL did bring back a lot of new players and returning players. Perhaps it could have been because of the pandemic, so more people were home and keeping themselves entertain. It was so much more lively in SL.
Even though DF is full of popularity and everyone keep saying it’s fun, it is so empty.
It was only lively at the beginning because people had high hopes for it the same way they did for WOD. Subscriptions in SL dropped to an all time low.
Dragonflight had a slower start, because Blizzard burned so many bridges, and there was no way they were going to convince that many people to come back right away. But it has grown slowly over the course of the expansion, and has had the best retention of any expansion in a very long time.
They basically have to rebuild trust and rebuild the brand and that takes time. One good expansion isn’t enough. Even if DF had been the best expansion ever released there is NO WAY it would’ve brought everyone back.
music starts Sometime in the distant future…
Shadowlands Classic
lol, I am sorry. I had to.
Ironically the dev that said this at blizzcon was SO WRONG. Glad he’s not in charge anymore.
Wow mom people cannot enjoy what they want pls mom let me push the angryface button to show em that they are wrong
I would love to do more over there but can’t bring myself to do the long quest line to unlock flying. I wasn’t subbed during the past few expansions so when I came back that was the only area I mainly skipped.
If flying was unlocked like the BoA was, I would spend more time there.
They surprised me the most. I went in expecting evil vampires torturing souls who deserved punishment, and was pleasantly surprised to learn they truly cared about redeeming the souls in their charge.
My favourite though was Bastion. Even though I hated the cheesy ending to the story. I had fun rewriting my own more realistic version though. I still regularly hunt Forsworn for fun. Knocking their ascended out of the air with a hunter, or blowing up their stewards with an engineer. It’s a great zone to relax in.
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I totally agree. I’ve been playing the game since vanilla and proudly say Shadowlands is my favorite expansion. I loved everything about it. Korthia got annoying and same to Torghast but they eventually fixed both annoyances.
I’d do anything to go back honestly.
You can tell Brack got to where he was not by talent but by sucking up to Kotick. Glad he’s gone, good riddance.
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Trust me we all wanted more from that expansion
Devs are even changing the Covenant abilities to look less like the Covenants and more like their respective classes.
Faeline Stomp might be, say, Chi Stomp and look like a river of Chi flowing out instead of an Ardenweald tree.
I really hope they just ignore the Shadowlands, going forward.
Yeah I’d prefer a full retcon, but I’ll take what I can get lol.
Full retcon is, in fact, ideal. They might at least retcon the story a bit.
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