I heckin miss Shadowlands

I miss nothing about SL… Not one thing. In my opinion the only expansion that was worse was WoD and not by much.

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BfA + Shadowlands never happend

They were a bad dream

Venthyr zone I liked a lot, rest eh. Pvp was balanced better. I preferred the dungeons in SL but raids this go in DF I think are muuuuuuuch better except the first one in SL, the venthyr one. was very good. Rest were pretty bad in SL. Gameplay wasn’t bad or anything which is why I really play the game, but SL storyline was also the absolute worst.

BFA had the best wpvp in wow history. I miss Nazjatar.

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I don’t miss anything from SL. Hated the time sink grind and the story was just…to weird. Only thing I got out of SL I liked was Night Fae Covenant armor. Will never take any of my alts there though.

Worst part about Shadowlands was Oribos Airport.


I tried to go back and tend my silly Ardenweald gardens the other day and couldn’t handle flying back and forth to get Torghast done for souls. The time investment was just so pound head on desk worthy.

I just want the pink butterfly backpack, man! :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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BFA’s failure was in its systems. Primarily azerite gear and azerite grinding. The story/questing, zones, art, music, dungeons, and raids were all quite good.

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Oh i will it was awful worse expansion in the entire game bar none.

eeeeehhhhh they were ok. majority of the zone stories overall sucked, the only good one was venthyr in terms of story.
Ardenweald was wasted potential
Bastion was good but the entire second half of the story was locked behind its coven
And Madraxxi literally got scrapped and they cobbled together the story they had.

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As bad as Dragonfail has been I almost do too.

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There was a lot about Shadowlands that I liked. Had the story of why we went there not been awful and had the bad guy NOT ruined the pre-established lore? It would have been awesome.

That’s what breaks my heart most about SLands. It was so close to being extremely good but it floundered at every turn. Ardenweald is still my desktop background it’s so pretty.



I play a lot of Vampire: the Masquerade and, uh… tea sipping socialites is pretty spot on for vampires there. Revendreth’s story is cut and past Vampire: the Masquerade in a lot of stuff. The Venthyr you side with are the Anarchs fighting against Daddy D’s Camarilla. Rebellion against the ruling courts.


Or any Reddit post, or any WoW forum post, or any mmo champion post, or any facebook post… or any Twitter post… and on and on it goes. No expansion ever has (or ever will) be as universally panned and outright hated as SL.


Thanks for the heads up, I’ll be sure never to make the mistake of looking to purchase or play the game.

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The only other expansion that’s in the same level of bad as SL is WOD, but WOD was bad for a different reason (2/3 of the expansion was cut).

But yeah, beliving “the majority of people loved Shadowlands”, yeah that dude is huffing serious amounts of copium.

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Hey if it’s not your thing that’s absolutely okay! Hope you have a great day!

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Growing up thru the early 70s I had an aunt who I used to spend the weekends with.
one of the things I loved was old 60s and 70s gothic vampire movies on Chiller Theater friday night. Thats the vampires I love.
when SLs was being advertised I had THOSE vampires in mind. lol.
yeah, nothing like that. The only thing about SLs I liked was once we had flight Revendreth was awesome to look at from the air.
The vampires were embarrassing, lol. Should have been a LOT more murder and gore, lol

If you never played Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, go buy that now lol.


feels like…a bad Tom Cruise/Brad Pitt movie lol

You mentioned it. Now I have to download and play it again.

And there’s a tv show now of that one - Interview with a Vampire on AMC+

No idea if it’s any good but it’s pretty popular. Saw it advertised dozens of times while watching Planet Earth 3 on there.


It actually would have been one of my most favorite expansions if they did a couple of things different.

  1. Being able to do all the covenants on one character. It would have been very cool to earn your right to be part of all of them and story wise it would have been a lot more fun.
  2. Upping the amount of anima. There is so much stuff to collect (if you’re a collector) but it isn’t worth the ridiculous time sink, imo.