I Haven't Had Access to the Forums for a Week. It says I'm not Subscribed. GMs Couldn't Help

Yes. I have tried that. I have several open discussions going on in general chat and the story forum. I can not reply to anyone who’s trying to talk to me. It’s how I first realized there was an issue. The GMs acknowledge I have an active sub. I’m not sure why you’re questioning that, friend. Maybe I just wasn’t clear?

I wasn’t questioning that. I was just asking if you actually just tried submitting a thread or comment, into those types of forums that require a Sub is all. Because IK that the forums that require a Sub will give you a message (at the top of those forums that require a Sub) saying “why you can’t post” despite it not being true because it’s happened, to me (when I was Subbed).

It’s what I was actually wanting, yes.

Just to be clear, you can make threads (in the forums that require a Sub) but just can’t reply to posters?

I can’t make posts or reply to posts.

I made several threads just before this debacle started, so I keep getting replies I can’t reply to. It’s super annoying.

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You can mute those threads to stop getting notified about it, if you want.


But I want to reply to them :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks for answering my question and clarifying. It kind of helps, sometimes. Hopefully, you’ll be able to post, “soon”. In the meantime, you can chill with us, in our “Lounge Thread”:


Good luck to ya!

I really appreciate you. Some folks are being kinda hostile and I apologize if I ever came off as hostile in turn.

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I spent a few days in “forum time out” because it said I needed a level 10 to post. I obviously have a level 10. It took a while to work itself out. Hang in there.



After a week of trying, the problem resolved itself! I still have no idea why this happens, how to fix it, or if it will happen again, but at least the problem is solved!


Very happy to hear it, Zilidar.

Not trying to be difficult - but the same reasons why you have no idea why, is at least partially why this is being difficult to address.

Strikes at random, isn’t able to be purposefully reproduced. Makes it really hard to test - or fix.


I understand this completely.

Most of my frustration was because for a week GMs have been telling me to do the exact same troubleshooting tips over and over, even after I told them repeatedly that I tried their tips. It’s like no one was actually reading what I was writing. Meanwhile, I kept getting replies from people on the forums and I couldn’t respond to them.

It made me feel like I was going crazy, that it’s my fault this is happening and that there IS a solution and I’m just not doing it right.

You’ve been nothing but helpful and I truly appreciate you.

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There was definitely something funky going on with the forums in the last few weeks. Sometimes it would log me out and I would log back in only to find 0 characters available. I wasn’t banned or anything. I relogged a couple times and came back in a couple hours and my chars were back.