OK I read this ENTIRE thread, and I wanted to address a few things. First thing first:
Just because we can play the game (in this case, Retail), doesn’t mean we have a Sub. I don’t have a Sub but can play the game (well, Retail, at least, up to a certain point, but I digress). IK Orlyia (the one with blue text) DID clear you as “having a Sub” but for the lurkers reading this thread, I want to clarify that “having access to the game” (Retail, at least), doesn’t prove “having a Sub”. You can play the game (Retail, at least), without a Sub. Sure, there’s blockages like the level cap being 20, gold cap is 1kg, can’t use the AH, etc., but you can still access this game (Retail, at least), in some capacity, without a Sub.
Not once have I read you state actually trying to submit a post in (to the forums that require a Sub to post in). Reason why I ask is because whenever I am Subbed, sometimes (not always) when I switch to a different character, the forums will say (not that it’s true) “I can’t post because of X, Y and Z”.
So, not to ask such a silly question but have you tried actually submitting a post in (to the forums that require a Sub)?
As another poster kindly pointed out, there is an in-game Bug Report feature, you can report any Bugs you find. As other posters pointed out, the Forums can be deleted, tomorrow and then where else could we report bugs? The in-game Bug Report feature would be the only place. And, you don’t need a Sub for that, either. I can use BOTH the Customer Support Bug Report Forum AND the in-game Bug Report feature. No Sub required!
The ONLY forum place that requires a Sub would be to post Suggestions, in the General Discussion Forum. HOWEVER, there is an in-game Suggestion Feature. It’s in the same place where to report Bugs, in-game (just make sure you click on “Suggestions/Feedback” instead of “Bug Report”. And, you can use the in-game version WITHOUT a Sub, for anyone looking to provide Suggestions/Feedback and are having legitimate forum posting issues.
Most (keyword) of the time, no. Not even in the Bug Forums (which you can post in there without a Sub) will get a response. The only times they do (even this is a stretch) is for more clarification. Most (keyword, again) of the time, it’s a “one-way kinda thing”.
As the MVP (poster with green text) already said, it’s a “last resort” kind of thing. But, the Customer Support Forums is what they mean, since anyone with a WoW Account (Sub or No Sub) can post in. You can come to these parts of the Forums without a Sub including the Bug Forums which was your initial reason.
The only DIFFERENCE is trying to post a Suggestion because that one requires a Sub because those go to the General Discussion Forum. I’d rather guide people to the in-game Suggestions feature where it does NOT require a Sub.
IK the MVP (poster with green text) already pointed you in the right direction, but I wanted to share ALL of the Forums one can post in WITHOUT a Sub:
(This one) Customer Support
Technical Support
Mac Technical Support
Bug Report
Website Bug Report
Mobile Bug Report
Those are ALL of the forums that those of us with WoW accounts (Sub or No Sub) can post in. They MAY (keyword) try to template (which may sound automated) say “go to the forums”, when you want to post a “Suggestion”, but THAT requires a Sub for the “General Discussion”:
(Requires a Sub) General Discussion - For “Suggestions/Feedback”
Again, I’d rather just point everyone to the in-game Suggestions Feature instead, since you do NOT need a Sub, for that.
Yeah, sometimes the forums do that. It’ll give a reason “why you can’t post on the forums” despite it not being true. Again, have you just tried making a post, in those Forums that “require a Sub”? IK it sounds silly, but I’m curious if that was tried or not. Because IK seeing those kind of messages can deter people from even trying.