I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

Be weary of that one.

Doesn’t like to be wrong.

Dam straight

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Becasue i no longer push cutting edge i can’t have a say? When did the forum gate keepers let you in then?


Fixed for you.

Nope. Because you don’t have any relevant experience in this expansion you don’t have an informed opinion.

You can still have an opinion.

Ok sorry i didn’t check with the gate keepers before i posted.

It happens when you make incorrect posts.

Now that you have been informed of your crimes we will let you off with a warning this time.

There are probably lots of people who COULD get the complexity down but then they see WOW as a GAME, not a job or a sacred calling.

Now I know this is shocking to a lot of top players but it probably reflects how the majority of WOW players feel about the GAME.

Play a Hunter. You don’t even need to read Icy.

The inevitable cynical “nitpick” responses aside, I’ve played WoW since Vanilla and Blizzard has lost the thread on “easy to learn, difficult to master” especially given Blizzard’s design intent to fast-track players into the latest content, which means that new and returning players are dogpiled with ridiculously complex rotations. Shadow Priest alone has a rotation that reads more like computer code.

The problem lies in that the active player base is too top heavy - we all have our preferred classes down to muscle memory, so we can absorb some complication. But the game has to be accessible to new players - whether new to WoW or new to gaming.

Blizzard should be designing class mechanics so that new and casual players have a functioning rotation that takes up no more than half an action bar, but even the most complicated rotation shouldn’t take up more than 10 of 12 slots on the action bar (leaving 2 for utility).

Now, granted, there are classes and specs with less complicated. rotations, but that doesn’t exclude, or excuse, over engineered rotations.

The way I would handle this is to try and keep basic rotations to, again, half the bar, with the talent choice to add a few extra items (as opposed to passive traits), but also to use trinkets and the return of the relic slot that added specific complexity for higher content. This would give the majority of players functional rotations without requiring a PhD, and gives Heroic, Mythic, M+ and rated BG/Arena drops within their content to change up their rotation to address the unique challenges of their content.

An MMORPG is a large playground, with plenty of room to accommodate multiple avenues of gameplay. Blizzard has to go back to “easy to learn, difficult to master” and remember not everyone has 15 years of “soaking in it” mechanics experience.

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Good thing being “complicated” and time consuming are two different things.

Well sometimes. There are times when you have to do something complicated at work and it takes time to figure it out. Your probably not going to do that in a game where you are trying to have fun.

On the other hand, some games just require a lot of grinding. That’s one reason I don’t do the economic professions in WOW. The closer you get to a level, the higher the failure rate. It’s just not fun.

So much for not replying to direct replies.

Ooo I did it one time.

Also I didn’t actually respond to you. I just fixed your incorrect statement.


So you’ve gone full on troll.

Nope. Just did something I normally dont.

You can’t break your own rule and then claim you’re still in the right.

You’re just trolling or full on deluded. Though I’m betting on the former.

Nah it just means I made a mistake.

I know this is the hill you will die on because you cant accept that youre wrong all the time but I never claimed to be perfect.

I just count the number of other random posters you correct to confirm my assertions.

You make it really easy for me to pin-point you as a troll.

Lucky for me a troll calling me a troll doesnt make me a troll.

Keep reaching though.

Your own worst enemy is yourself.