I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

Your worst enemy is reality my guy.

If itā€™s your reality then youā€™re way off.

The rewards in this game scale with effort, which is how it should be.


WoW is for casuals but if you expect to play with the full utilization of your class or cherrypick some old Icy Veins guides to make Retail look harder than it actually isā€¦ Youā€™re flat out wrong.

Itā€™s a terrible example as well, because those short rotation guides arenā€™t as detailed because they were intended for casual players. If you think playing an Outlaw Rogue was as simple as that in Vanilla youā€™d be sorely mistaken.

I really hope people whining doesnā€™t encourage Blizzard to go back to pruning and casualizing every class optimization. Make the game accessible, while maintaining a reward for mastering a class.

Good thing WOW isnā€™t a job lol because Iā€™d be getting fired. LUL

Yea that can seriously get annoying, but I got my leatherworking to like 350 in classicā€¦ in retail itā€™s actually really easy, can get a bit expensive but is really easy compared to classic.

There are classes like Havoc Demon Hunter or Marksmanship Hunter or Windwalker Monk that seem to have pretty straightforward/simple rotations that a new player should be able to understand enough to play well, in my opinion.

Iā€™ve been playing for years. I still donā€™t play optimally. Iā€™m ok with that.

yet you are on an alt hiding toon. Although no one cares wtf you are you just proved you whine and hate other people that do their own thing. gg

If you go look at the damage breakdown of any caster in TBC it is literally all 1 button. An actual rotation is much better than before. And a game with complexity sustains more players.