I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

You chose one of the more complicated specs as an example. Have you tried destruction? Get a few immolates out, havoc a target, conflagrate another target, then use your infinite soul shards to spam rain of fire until the entire dungeon is empty of mobs.

If you’re struggling, that sounds like a YOU problem… the game isn’t complicated.

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No it’s not. You’re delusional.

That’s not even that complicated. The key issue with demo is having to deal with movement and not messing up your tyrant window.

I’d love to see him complain about 9.0 affliction :joy:

Lmao destroyed

yeah so you’re wrong but have a nice day

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I was casual in vanilla and had loads of fun playing with other casual players.

Casual players have been driven out of the game by mandatory boring time-consuming grinds and non-intuitive rotations.

This is the reality folks.

Casuals can still have fun, but they are generally not able to olay with like minded individuals. Since now they need to get gud or get out.

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Casual players complete 80% of the content in this game playing incorrectly all the time. Removing what little complexity that exists at the moment would literally only hurt the game.

Well those of us who are casual players may not be as good as the top few percent that like to look down their nose at us but at least we can spell. The words are “play”, not “olay” and “good” not “gud”.

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You pwned me.

Welcome to what happnes when you try and appeal to the 1% of the population while trying to chase the E sports dragon, despite the fact no one wants to watch wow either mythic world first or areana but blizzard is hell bent on making it a thing.

So they try and turn wow into a sweaty game for no reason.


Thats your opinion. You cant objectively say the game isnt complicated. Thats a YOU problem.

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I’m not but thanks for your well thought out counter point s

Imagine being so wrong to compare a 5 button rotation to what we have today with countless procs cd windows where 70% of your dmg comes from buffs that have 3 stacks so if you drop it for 1 second you lose heaps of dmg but sometimes you can’t keep it up because there isn’t anything to hit.

Yeah nah classes have got easier…


Imagine barely completing LFR and commenting on how rotations work.

They have, maybe you struggle with class basics but not everyone does.

PS we can compare lock logs if you want.

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I can objectively say the game is simple… if this is complicated there is little to no help for you. If you can’t get the basics down? Sounds like you’re the problem here… if you can’t handle it stick to classic, still fun but far simpler.

yeah no worries mate you go right ahead and do that i think if you took more than 4 seconds to check my raider history it’s pretty obvious I haven’t raided it since BFA but you go ahead make a fool of yourself.

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Not at all. If you cant clear a normal on a blood DK then that is 10x worse than doing bad in 2’s. I would earn you making fun of me if I couldnt do that.

The game is now designed for the most talented and experienced players, the fastest learners. Who have been playing hard content for so long that they can’t remember what it was like to be a new player.

So why are you commenting on something you admit to botnosrtaking in since last expansion?