I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player



So a brand new, casual player should be able to just pick up a brand new game, select any class, and immediately be able to play it to the maximum potential?

Have you like
 played any game at all

This game is so casual focused it’s insane
 to the point where casual focus has destroyed the viability of any end game content besides stupid m+. There is zero incentive to do heroic raids, and mythic raiding is the least accessible content there is. The insane rewards for casual game modes is killing this game, and people still want more for casuals. Its mind blowing

Now we have threads like this
 with actual support
 where people want classes to be even easier to use?

My god

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You were watching your amount of reagents in your bags? Sorry that doesn’t sound like engaging gameplay.

Sultani, I see where you are coming from. I think I’m getting the ‘mobile bug,’ where you can just pick up a mobile game, press 3 buttons and pick it up right away. It’s interesting how that ‘simple’ effect can translate to the desire of it being present in other games.

This whole post is like someone listened to people complaining about a game they’ve never played, and then regurgitated it in some weird version of “telephone”.

Or, it could be from someone who played and raided in the game for almost 17 years. A person who, in vanilla, was exalted with the brood of noz, also raided nax and still has his benediction/anathema in retail to this day.

My /played is probably longer than you’ve been alive, so sit back down and stop talking about something you clearly know nothing about.

Classes are way too complex, idc if people think git gud or go home it’s just not fun unless I’m in my cd windows

LOL. Classes are easier than they have been. The only time classes werent easier than in the current form is during WoD/The Pruning.


Classes were definitely easier in vanilla, but they were mind numbingly boring. Mage rotation was a single bullet point. Bore me to tears. When a drinky bird can play your class, maybe a little complexity is the way to go.

Edit: As a sidenote, some people in my classic guild liked to flex their logs. Absolute jokes.

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Maybe in vanilla but bc/wrath/Cata/mop was definitely not. WoD pruning was awful and then glasses just got stupid simple.

There is no way to play to your potential with the stock UI either. That doesnt appear to be changing with the UI tweaks coming in Dragonlands either.

Disagree. Classes have gotten harder and more complex as a rule. Hunter is dead simple though so I see why you might think that. Most classes have gotten more layered with more situational abilities.

No they havent. Rotations after WoD are a joke.

I know your blue and green parses arent trying to talk to anyone about complexity while playing a DH.


You also act like hunter is the only class that I play.

You do realize that hunters are one of the classes with the highest utility in game right now right?

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I didn’t say you didn’t have utility I said you are playing one of the simplest classes - though tbh I assumed you were BM not MM. MM has to manage a much broader array of abilities.

As far as the question of rotations being harder than classic and early wow it’s not even an argument. I am not stating opinion
it’s a fact. Did you even play vanilla? Frost bolt frost bolt frost bolt

The word rotation comes from early wow having a mindless “Rotation” of spells. That concept has been replaced by abilities being used in response to procs and class specific resources.

Your entitled to your opinion
but not many are going to agree that a set rotation of 4 spells in the same order endlessly is harder than a menu of abilities that are used in response to dynamic proc’s and class specific resource management.

Does the WoW community actually nurture or encourage newer players to keep working at things with the promise of better things on the horizon? Of course it doesn’t. Join even a leveling dungeon and watch the insults fly. It is a miracle this game has not died off faster considering new players are basically chased away.

I play all three specs. One thing most people dont know is that BM has to manage frenzy stacks, its the main component of BM.

You clearly cant read. I said outside of Vanilla rotations have gotten easier since WoD.

I know where rotation comes from.

Bro, you play at an overall 51 on heroic logs and thats not even including your ilvl parses which are grey. Out of anyone in this thread you have zero room to talk about rotation difficulty.

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It went elite. They had to adapt to their play style and demands

Games easy, give new players some credit if they exist. They can learn to play up to any level they decide to play at.

Wot. Are you joking or being serious? The rotations are lot more complexed. Dungeons, raids even pvp. Everything is more complex even more than Wrath classic.

Classic is easy lol. Retail is hard. Dont assume you speak for everyone.

My demo lock has a rotation and a priority system. You cast shadowbolt to build shards. You spend them on hand of guldan. You use call dreadstalkers on cooldown and spend the demonic core buffs on demonbolt. Use tyrant on cooldown after you get 6 imps out. Thisndoesnt even take into factor conduits, talents, covenant ability. Shadowlands is nicknamed systemlands. Too complicated

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