I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

Ok and? How is that even relevant?

I only respond when people respond to me so nice try.

I’ll just leave this here.

Yes because someone slandering me isnt them indirectly responding to me.

You are so desperate for a win you nitpick anything.

Considering someone other than me has outlined your shenanigans, that’s a definite win.

Not at all because multiple people have labeled you a clueless troll.

Even then multiple salty people that have been embarrased agreeing doesnt make it true.

Even if everyone disagreed with you, you’d make multiple loops just to disqualify them in your tiny world.

Nope, luckily no one important disagrees with me.

New players aren’t dumb, i play this game less than a month ago and im pretty sure i’ll perform better than you in any content in this game.

The game is very obvious, even when you level up they fill your entire screen with “Look at this new ability you got!”.

Stop acting like you’re speaking for new & casual players.


I don’t know what’s funnier, your constant gymnastics or holier than thou attuite when you get pulled down with the rest of us.

Definitely you’re stalking as I’m not doing any gymnastics.

I’ll never be low enough to be on your level.

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Your every insulting reply says otherwise.

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Its not an insult if its true.

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With that kind of reasoning you won’t last long here.

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I have lasted since Cata, I think I will be fine.

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Guess will see.

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im sorry what? strangest definition of the word casual I’ve heard yet.


I mean, 48% is pretty good for a casual player. What is your point?

It helps to clarify what you mean by “casual” as it’s different for different people. I agree the rotations for some classes are kind of ridiculous. However, the game is now full of proccing damage spells to help less-skilled players keep up. 9.2. lets you craft tier pieces without ever setting foot into a raid. If you want to just run around solving puzzles and synthesizing pets you still have plenty of options to tweak out your gear in the zones. That hasn’t been the case in quite a while in the game.

A level 1 Rogue does not have all of these abilities.
A level 10 Rogue does not have all of these abilities.

These abilities are gradually gained as a new player plays the game, becomes more accustomed to the game and because of this they learn how these new abilities that they’ve gained can contribute to doing their role to the best.

If they want to be the very best, there is a group of people for that.

But, that is completely optional. If they do not want to, they can still play their class effectively enough to progress through current content by simply completing the objectives.

My point, in this case, nothing has happened to WoW. There has always been a process of learning and that is actually something that makes the game fun.

I can honestly say EVERY SINGLE free level boost I’ve gotten has been wasted because after I use it I am bombarded with a ton of abilities that I have no idea how to use.

A brand new priest does not receive Surrender Madness, a level 50 player earns Surrender Madness. This is why a level 10 priest earns “Void Form”. This gives the new player 40 levels to use Void Form, they can read in game what it does, they get to see the effect it has for 40 levels and THEN they get Surrender Madness.