I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

You’re the one that keeps trolling. Maybe just let it go.

Yes they can see where you can’t let things go and keep responding to me.

Yes because casual players aren’t locked out of any content.

Here’s my question:

Casual players aren’t locked out of any content, but what do you think is the likelihood that they’re engaging with content beyond normal raiding? Heroic and mythic can be encountered by casual players, but the time commitment required/expected of players to perform in this content at a reasonable level is remarkably high, so the probability in which your average casual player engages with content aimed at a higher level of play is likely low. Casual players are casual because they play the game casually, as in, not at a degree in which they are consistently playing the game on a regular basis. While they can certainly participate in raids, there are much better forms of content that can appeal to a more casual sensibility.

I think what he’s saying is that lots of resources are being wasted on weekly content lockouts most people will never engage with. Why not take those resources and put them towards something that is more likely to be seen?

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Real PvP players don’t play WoW.

I thought everyone knew this.

WoW PvP is a joke. Auto-kick bots, paid carry, so on and so forth.

Nobody plays it except you.

It’s not real PvP.

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Look’s like you’re almost BiS within the category of player type that you claim to be - good job!

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Very high. Most two nights guilds are casual guilds. I know plenty heroic and mythic raid guilds that play casually.

In Nyalotha I was 10/12 mythic playing casually.
In CN I was 5/11 mythic swapping guilds

I was in an extremely underskilled heroic raiding guild at beginning of 9.0.5 and even they get aotc every tier.

It really isn’t. This is a VERY common misunderstanding. Heroic especially is way more forgiving than people think.

It’s a lot higher than you think. Heroic is very puggable.

Plenty of people casually play and still have a schedule of raiding two nights a week.

I have friends that play 1-2 nights a week and still push glad every season.

Like I said. More people participate in raiding than you think.

He doesn’t even play it. He’s a known boostee.

Omg just now catching this

Can a CM or blue “sticky” this thread?

Def one of the better threads posted on here recently

Yeah most people who post on alts are probably ashamed of their actual profiles.

My opinion anyway.

It’s a game, why hide your progress lol

They can also see that you’d rather troll players than have a conversation.

You can clearly see I have conversations with the people that are worth having them with. You’re just not one of them

That still makes you a troll.

No it doesn’t. Learn what a troll is do you can stop looking like a fool.

Raiding and Mythic runs have a hard coded, in game, lockout for each one, per character. This is something that’s hard coded into the game. Just like MoP world bosses, and other such. This is an objective fact that cannot be circumvented.

Pretty sure inflating your own conversations with others is a form of trolling.

I prefer throwing knives. Let hunters have a dual equip pistol spec.

What makes this the actual definition of casual? The problem with the entire discussion is nobody agrees. There’s people playing 80 hours a week saying they’re casual because the have 50 alts only doing queued content. Other raid heroic casually, just doing 3-4 hours a week.

If people are so casual they’re not even playing weekly, why would they design around them?

Not sure where they are getting their defs from, I’m a casual player, but I honestly feel that, for the most part, I only get content at the start of the expansion and beyond that all new content is focused on the raiding scene or just, unfun grinds/chores with dailies. It really just feels like I have to make my own content on the RP side of things to get enjoyment even 6mo after launch as there really isn’t anything I can just do for the fun of doing without the game basically saying ‘oh, you are having to much fun, so no more fun till tomorrow/next week’ Can’t do legacy content cause it all still has daily/weekly lockouts, and even worse in WoD content: multi hour long production ques for friggin’ anything.

Are we having fun yet? Yeah, and we wonder why people dont want to stick around.

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Casual players play casually. They’re not incompetent or illiterate (well not by default anyway, some people in the world certainly fill either or both of those descriptions across the world).

For its massive amounts of flaws, this game is at least still casual friendly.