I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

Twelve million players vs. whatever is left now.

11.9 million? i hope

Even if true. The fact that Cata/mop existed means that the rotations now are easier than the rotations then

People crying today would probably quit based on Cata rotations alone.

easier is a stretch, mildly more involved more likely, either way the boss is tougher

I was more or less referring to Cata/MoP as a transitional period rather than an anchoring point that implicates it as the time when rotations were more difficult.

Cata rotations weren’t hard, either. Cata is notable because it’s actually the first time boss mechanics were a more dominant feature in raid encounters. Perhaps hard in context to the boss mechanics, but hardly difficult to maneuver through.

MoP is a precursor to current WoW. Iterations of the game’s class design that followed suit are similar in style, so it’s ultimately the same thing.

As a rogue in Cata you were required to maintain

Hemo (if sub)
Expose armor (if no warrior)

Compared to shadowlands

SnD (unless Mut then you press it once)

That doesn’t change the fact that Cata rotations were harder than they are now.

Infact the Pruning in Wod and the removal of abilities to specializations in legion prove that.

In what ways were they harder? Most classes still had a 1-2 button rotation compared to most classes in retail that boast 5-6. Classes had more utility, but most of these were not part of your core rotation and were circumstantial.

are you talking about the original post? why would you think this when he specifically listed abilities.

I already addressed this with rogues.

I personally feel like I’ve acknowledged the idea that some classes had some level of complexity to them by saying most class rotations, not all, were simple. I don’t necessarily think what you’ve pointed out discredits what I’m saying.

By this logic, I suppose I should point out a fire mage’s rotation in Shadowlands has 8-9 buttons that leave little room for error if the player messes it up. Would that constitute all rotations being as similar and unforgiving? Obviously, the answer is no, similar to rogue rotations in Cata not being representative of rotations across the class spectrum.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that there are exceptions to the rules we’ve established in this conversation that we’re all relatively aware of, so I don’t see why we feel the need to point them out as if they are indicative of anything. They are the exception for a reason.

I think its around 20%.

Yes, but what would casuals engage with more: weekly lockout content that gets dropped at end of expansion (more or less outside mog runs/quest catch up) or player housing which wouldn’t have lock outs/time gates?

Depends on the casual in question?

You do realize casual doesn’t mean bad right? Casuals play at all sorts of levels in raiding/mplus/pvp

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Where did I ever say anything about being good or bad? I said what would a casual player engage with more, a set of content on a weekly lockout, or content they could do at their own pace, never did I say anything about good or bad, so maybe check yerself and don’t try to put words in other peoples mouths

they did try this in WoD with trial mode(cant remember the name) but the bad community pushed back so hard on this deeming they’re getting “secluded” from the game

You implied it.

They can engage in the same content everyone else does.

You implied it. Maybe check your own self.

Keep trolling buddy.

If people want the full commentary they can look at our posts.

How did I imply it then hmm?

By saying casual players would likely engage more with content they aren’t getting constantly locked out of so they can enjoy it at the pace/timing that feels best for them?