You didn’t play in Cata and it shows. These rotations are not that complex.
I actually did play during cata.
I don’t see how you could think rotations now are more complex than then if you had played it.
I think you’re being disingenuous. Can you just be honest about what your point is?
Casual player, and new player are two very different things.
You don’t have to be hardcore to do wow rotations.
oh maybe it is the boss systems that they mean, those are night and day from classic
Boss fights are more complex.
Rotations are not more complex.
The original post is talking about rotations only.
oh, ok then
SL actually did the gating right for this though. You really only needed an hour a week to stay up to date on the campaigns/legendaries.
Even needing revered on one toon to be able to make the 291 unity didn’t leave you too far behind as long as you did the weekly every week, and you still had the 265 belt to hold you over
for zm maybe
I mean, most rotations prior to the Cata/MoP class shake-up consisted of 1-2 button rotations, so I would strongly disagree with that sentiment.
but but but the fights in latest raids are crazy things to watch out for vs classic, maybe that is the takeaway
So spamming 3 sinister strikes and eviscerate and then spamming 3 sinister strikes again and rupture or s&d as combat back then are as complex as today’s outlaw’s rogue’s rotations in your opinion?
Meaning, if I pick up ‘little Timmy’ from the streets and tell him:
- ‘press this key 3 times and when you see these 5 little circles light up press this key’
or - ‘press this key, and keep an eye on these five circles, but don’t press this key or this key or this key when you have five, you want to do it when you have four because you don’t want to overcap when you press this other key. Also, keep and eye for this key because it gives you a buff which you don’t want to drop. Also, when this specific buff is on you want to actually wait until you have 3 little circles because…’
I can keep going with the 2nd part because it truly can be an endless explanation on what you have to do compared to a simple vanilla rotation.
u sound like a good rogue
This is largely the reason specs like BM, Havoc, and Fury are so popular. Fun specs without all the bloat, everyone who used to rock specs in vanilla migrated to the only specs left that they can still rock without going crazy trying to min/max it.
oof u left off arms
That was intentional, arms is not as popular.
They added a level of complexity to class abilities and rotations. That doesn’t mean a new player or casual has to maximize on their rotation to get basic things done.
Do you blow through every cd and rotation when you are doing world quests versus when you are in raid/m+?
feelings, nothing more than feelings…
Mage rotations in Vanilla are comprised of spamming fireball, or maybe frostbolt depending on the flavor of the patch, and then decurse where needed.
There was a meme where warlocks were going to have to spam incinerate instead of shadowbolt when TBC Classic was announced. I’m not sure how anyone could think WoW used to be more complex than it is today. Maybe for the time, I guess?
dude probly meant raid fights, i will go out on this limb