I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

OMG someone else!

All of these points have always been the case. It wasn’t just recently where the game didn’t teach players how to interrupt, teach dps about tank’s mitigation, or how much dps you are doing.

Just because it’s always been that way doesn’t make it okay.

The OP thread is about how things are different then and now. To your point, if you are playing any skill based game then research one form or another is going to become relevant. It is end-game content and players shouldn’t expect to walk in and get their hand held. There’s a level of personal responsibility and ownership.

Players who stick to world quests and solo content don’t need to research rotations, covenants, legendaries, or ect.

You do realize that raid difficulty has zero bearing on rotations being easier right?

No more food for you, :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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It blows me away that people still attempt to engage with Snozh. Even if you put him in a corner because of his asinine arguments, he will backtrack and change his argument on a whim and then insult your intelligence for not understanding what he’s saying. You could quote everything he says to contextualize his nonsense and he will still be adamant that you’re the idiot. He clearly has no interest in having a productive conversation.


i am pro casual, go casual go, have fun in this game

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You can’t claim in trolling because you can’t refute facts.

The OP is about class rotations.
My comment is about class rotations.
Your point about raid difficulty has zero bearing on the conversation.

oh i thought it was about not being for casuals anymore, which is false

I have yet to even be put in a corner.

Because most people are.

Actually I do with people that are reasonable. You and many others just are some of those people.

dangit i was gonna stop at 500 posts

I remember seeing a Boomkin guide a couple of weeks after Legion launched that was written with the assumption you already had BIS leggo. At the time I was like: Damn, I haven’t even gotten to Suramar yet.

So, yeah. I feel this.

There it is!

I think classes are much more engaging now then before. More abilities doesn’t mean it’s no longer casual.

What makes it no longer casual is the constant barriers to gear and fun via rep grinds and other systems.

There’s often huge power gated behind rep and/or a certain threshold that must be attained immediately. Don’t have your second leggo because you only play 2-3 days per week? enjoy being behind the rest of the players by a significant amount until you get there.

Haven’t been on these boards in a while, but I can single trolls out quick. Two replies and he’s done.

the grind is the game type though isn’t it?

Where is covenant ability and adrenaline rush, maintain roll the bones , trinkets ?

It’s pretty incredible that he hasn’t been banned yet. I called someone a baby in the past and got a week-long ban. He outright insults people with underhanded remarks about their intellect and he’s still here.


You said it not me. I just agreed with it.

Such a cop out when you can’t refute facts to call someone a troll.