And this is my point exactly. The current playerbase says ‘git gud’ while others say ‘wait a minute, there is something off here.’
Yet it does though. Sorry you can’t understand that.
That’s funny because most people ignore yours completely.
The current player base says “git gud” because they like to jump ahead and skip to content they are not ready for. They have access to so many useful step-by-step guides that many of the skills players used at one point or another. Each expansion is a learning curve regardless of prior knowledge. Prior experience helps for sure, but still a learning curve. A new player going through natural progression won’t become so overwhelmed.
-Level up and learn basic skills and rotations and face/butt pull range
-Run normal/heroic dungeons and learn to work as a group, pacing, cooldown usage, interrupts, ect
-Run LFR
-Run M0 or low M+ keys to learn how the timer and affixes work.
People get overwhelmed because they jump straight into end-game content without understanding their class or the content.
This ^
I’m literally leveling a second hunter on alliance just to learn how to play survival properly.
Sure I could just swap specs on this hunter and play it but my goal is to play optimally so leveling a second hunter is what I am doing.
No, no its not. I got my alt to 60 and am not even going to bother with the story line, leggos or the soul binds…too much work and I dont play to work. I play to relax and escape. Hopefully DF will fix this.
Playing the game is work now?
The problem is you outgear these in 2 seconds and people can’t learn when nothing is dangerous.
There’s no solution though, if Blizz told “casuals” that open world rewards were getting nerfed to make normal and heroic dungeons relevant, there’d be a massive meltdown
pvp and mythic plus is the current way to play and gear, imo
run lfr once though
Let’s assume a ‘new player’ wants to now be optimal - that’s work.
- What are covenants
- which is the best one for my class
- which is the best one for my specc
- which legendary?
- which are the best 2 legendaries for my class?
- for my specc?
- where do I get them?
- which stats are best for raiding?
- which stats are best for m+?
- which stats are best for pvp?
- which rotation is best for raiding?
- which rotation is best for lords vs anduin?
I can be here for the next half hour listing the hoops everyone has to jump through to be ‘optimal’. This is not even going into details of ‘optimal rotations’ by specc. In this game one is either committed or not committed, and unfortunately there is an entire ocean between the 2, but it could be different.
Oh absolutely. They went too far into pleasing everyone and there is no reverse course. They tried to make gearing more difficult in 9.0, but that didn’t last long with increased drop rates and then valor points.
increase valor cap point, agreed
All of this came be found in 1 page of WoWHead or IcyVeins.
Secondary stats are severely over rated for non-bleeding edge players. Ilvl and primary stats win almost always.
Again, it takes one quick look at Icy Veins or WoWHead. Or one of the many streamers/youtubers.
You can sit here for the next 10 hours making a long bulleted list to make it “seem” overwhelming, but they are all easy to research.
If someone wants to push end-game content, they should know their class and the content. If they don’t then all of these points you made are moot.
I was specifically talking about Alts but ok.
Literally all of this is covered on Icey veins.
Again I actually specified his alt.
Imagine their head exploding if you ask them to watch a boss fight.
WoW is a game that has progressed based on the skill level of the playerbase.
Vanilla (for example) was peoples first MMOs and in 2005 we didn’t have class guides, youtube, discord, streamers, or really any available resources that told you how to play your class.
To me I feel like the current game is dumbed down to how it was when I played during WOTLK. The GCD is faster so the game feels more fast paced, but gone are the multiple tiers of abilities, and things to manage. Most classes had their core abilities picked apart and carved up into each individual spec.
Dont know about you but I prefer playing on my touch pad on my laptop
Imagine asking them to learn from experience. Had so many 19/20s failed because people didn’t do simple boss mechanics.
You realize Mythic raids today are more difficult than any raid back in Classic right?
The problem for new and casual players is that there isn’t anything in game that teaches the player any advanced skills. Nothing about interrupts, nothing for tanks about mitigation, nothing for healers about dispelling. Nothing tells DPS if you’re doing good or poor DPS. There’s nothing in game that tells you to wait for your CDs to use all your abilities. You need to download addons and watch community content to get that info. It’s ridiculous.