I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

None of which makes it out of reach for casuals. Making players think for more than 2 seconds does not mean it isn’t for casuals. If it was “not casual friendly” these currencies would be tucked away behind end-game content.

You two are so cute. Like watching two kids on the playground push each other because they like each other :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

I’d agree if it wasn’t for the time investment needed in each type of currency to obtain things. Casual friendly doesn’t necessarily mean (end game content) it mean accessible without requiring hundreds of hours of farming/play time. On top of it, the system is most definitely super alt because (as far as I know) none of those currencies are account wide.

but if you’re a casual you really dont have time to play alt. Coz you know limited time play.

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Nah. Watching you show how out of touch you are is pretty entertaining.

The irony.

Hey now. I’m a happily married man now.

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It is casual friendly because there are multiple ways to get many of those currencies, especially Honor, Conquest, and Valor.

There’s the main content that gives those currencies, but also quests and callings. Been a while, but how much conquest does the weekly quest give like 500?

if someone plays a couple hours a week… why would you think it can only be on 1 character?

GD unskilled raiders I need 272/278 IE best gear always while I get a guild carry and something I can buy with gold to be run through! The free gear from doing everything else everyone else can do isn’t enough! Also NO ONE ELSE especially people that sometimes or frequently play solo where you can’t get ‘carried’ don’t deserve NUFFIN.

-Basically the debate

The casual raiders generally aren’t crying about needing better gear for doing the same easy content over and over because “TiMe EqUaLs EfFoRt!!!” They either progress to the next tier up or do m+ for extra gear. Actually doing more challenging content for better rewards.

Besides being very difficult to read and follow, are you implying that players who don’t push challenging content should be awarded the same gear as those who do? You are right, that is the debate. Players have always been rewarded with gear for end-game content and there is nothing wrong with that. Raiders, PvPers or, M+ players earned their upgrades and use it to continue progressing. I have yet heard of a solid reasoning for why players who do zero end-game content need Mythic Raid equivalent gear.

Lets not forget:

Kinda are, really. It’s how we got mythic in the first place. :3 You know World content also scales with ilvl some right? Raids are the same every week, too? Your ilvl keeps increasing the more you get from there, IE the more weeks you return to the same raid…

funny thing is I dont see any raiders complaining here. Just the people who refuse to do content.

that’s fine and I do agree that some currency should be shared w/ mains. But same time alts are alts. I dont think they should be as powerful as main if you dont spend time gearing them up.

I have been watching this war go on forever. If you break all of these arguments down to the basic level. The solo people want access to the end game raid gear without having to do the content. There are outliers of course but for most of the people fighting for it.

I don’t usually do high end game content because of my constrained time due of my job and time playing but I realize I won’t achieve the highest level of gear. I am ok with that. I don’t think I need access to that gear for what I do.

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Are you referring to mythic raid or m+?

And by the time you have maxed out world content rewards (or if you even do LFR) you’re well past that point and effectively invincible in the open world.

What are you talking about? Doing the same raid until you’ve got everything won’t give you any higher ilevel than what it drops.

Um… Yes, getting all the rewards takes multiple weeks. What are you trying to argue? It’s the same for WQ folks. The difference is, the raiders aren’t asking for mythic level gear for farming normal all tier.

Not as much as you pretending that your experience matters.

Most any reasonable posters on these forums can comfortably duck your view point.

I’m implying, in group content there will always be carries and getting through ‘ez-mode’ without facing any challenge. For something that’s solo, there can be challenging content where that’s not the case. If ‘the hardest content’ should also award the best gear, PvP would be BiS. It’s that simple.

Of course, gear is good. :3

Oddly enough, PvP gear used to have a ‘static’ ilvl. Raids had one difficulty, etc.

End-game is max level content, which does include World Quests, Dailies, and whatever else Blizzard comes up with.

funny thing is I dont see any solo players complaining here. Just the people who refuse to do content. (Raiders, afking with guild runs)

Both, also you forget regular Mythic dungeons.

Then I guess by the time you get mythic raid gear, you’re invincible in the raid and can AFK, hence boost runs. Yes?

When you start a raid, your ilvl keeps going up until you’re what’s called ‘bis’. That can take quite a few re-runs of the same raid, even on the same difficulty. It counters your point that someone ‘doing the same thing over and over again’ shouldn’t get ‘better’ gear. If you really believed that, you’d also push for one raid difficulty.

The raiders asked for higher ilvl loot from mythic instead of cosmetics, that simple.

I will point out that both the people I responded to here, have low raid parses. Sorta proving my point~

the very 1st post is “this game isn’t for casual anymore” You’re telling me that’s not a complain? Wanna open your eyes and read? Or do I need to give you a learn to read for dummies guide?

Err, no. End-game content in WoW are Raids, M+, Rated PvP and has been the accepted forms of end-game content for a while now. World quests, dailies, and fishing is not one of them.

Welcome to World of Warcraft. It is a MMO. This isn’t a single player campaign and was not designed to be.