I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

You do realize that the game is more than solo content or the mage tower right?

Don’t worry friend, I understand what you’re saying.

As far as difficulty - I think it depends who you ask. Lots of WoW players are 15+ year vets of this game…so yeah, this game is ez, especially if they have stuck to a class they’ve mastered over those years. (which is why some of us had no issues with mage tower whatsoever for example).

If you’re a newer player, or newer to a class, then yeah, I can see multiple areas of this game being very difficult. :100:

I think the game has made things a lot easier over the years, so to me, I’d agree with the poster above…but i understand that’s not the case with maybe the majority of the playerbase…so I’m usually on the “casual” or new player’s side on these things.

I personally think Character boosts have brought down the overall skill level of the players down by a large margin. You can just tell most people don’t know what they’re doing, because they don’t want to level anymore… which is unfortunate, because I think it’s a great place to learn the fundamentals of your class & the RPG in general. :revolving_hearts:

I think they said they are going to try and make the game more user friendly for Dragonflight. Also more welcoming for people to participate in endgame content.

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No. But its no more fun either. Server tech and phasing ruins it all. Also the unfun factor is also because game is not hard in terms of gameplay and Class design.

I think it’s already is. Raid you can probably say not really only because it’s kinda hard to find a guild on the top end and having everyone dedicated to weeks/months of wiping to a boss. But most aspect of the game is very very accessible by everyone.

And how many times have you done that when someone steps on your foot?

As you define it.

I don’t recognize you as an authority on anything.

you state new player here, but you’re not a new player are you. are you trying to hide behind new players?

Wow never was. No mmorpg is.

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The definition of a “Casual Player” is so flexible.

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In my opinion, the big gap is currently with 5-man content. Normal mode should just be called leveling mode and heroic dungeons haven’t had any challenge for a long time. I prefer WoW raiding, but FF14 LFG-style dungeons are so much better than WoW dungeons that it’s really just sad.

Mechanics should matter at all tiers of difficulty; the main difference should be how forgiving are the mechanics (i.e. maybe you can handle 50% of them and still clear) and how many mechanics are present. Mythic+ right now can be really fun, but it takes a ton of effort and time to properly study all the boss and trash mechanics beforehand. Maybe a good middle would be like current mythic 0 (maybe with gear downscaling to avoid bypassing mechanics with tons of DPS), but gut most trash mechanics to make bosses center stage.

I haven’t gotten mad a single time. I don’t ever get mad over the forums.

You don’t have to recognize me as anything. Doesn’t change the fact that I do the content and you don’t.

You sure? I can still see hurt in that first comment.

The only who cares about that is you. Reminds me of the kind of argument that someone playing D&D would make just because they’ve been at the table for longer.

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GD unskilled soloists - I need 272/278 gear to do world quests and pick flowers. The free 240+ gear from ZM and Set items from LFR or Catalyst isn’t enough.

-Basically the debate.

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I’m sure. I’m not the one with the emotional investment in the forums. I’m here for entertainment purposes only.

You’re free to think that. Most people are nice and won’t tell you to your face that your opinions are worthless.

Doesn’t help that leveling takes no time either, especially if you know what you’re doing

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So I was right all along. You’re just spewing rubbish and you’re a troll.

I get the feeling it’s the same for you. With you’re whole opinion being worthless as this game caters to a crowd you’d shove out the door given the chance.

If you went back in time and told TBC Sarama that I’d be able to get a full set of epic gear with a 4 piece tier bonus without ever joining a group I think if have died laughing at such an obvious troll


It’s not like they are stuck with 100ilvl drops from 9.0, they have been given free ilvl upgrades with every tier/season to basically be at the Heroic Raid equivalent of the previous tier. For free.

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No you weren’t. I never stated what the entertainment was.

The difference is I don’t care.

Here you go making terrible assumptions again. I don’t care if people play solo. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat that for you to actually comprehend it.

If that was true you’d of walked away on this topic alot sooner.

But I guess you couldn’t take a joke.

Just the sheer amounts of different currency and gather node types make Shadowlands not casual friendly.

Pvp - Honor / Conquest / Medallions of Honor
Mythic - Valor
Torghast - Free souls / Phantasma / Soul Ash / Soul cinder / Tower knowledge
Covenant - Anima (infused Rudy / Medallion of Service)
Zone - Cataloged Research / Stygian Ember / Stygia / Sinstones
On top of Gold

Like seriously.

Then just take Mining:

  • Laestrite
  • Elethium
  • Solenium
  • Oxxein
  • Phaedrum
  • Sinvyr
  • Porous
  • Shaded

Not to mention any random crafting reagents that drop from nodes as well like Twilight Bark…

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