I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

lol probably b&

edit: good god how did i miss this thread? stay classy gd :rofl:


Casuals raid too. They’re the “vast majority” and the reason we have LFR.

The forums opinion doesnt change facts though.

Says the guy that doesnt play the game.

Never claimed to be the best

Stupid people liking a comment doesnt change anything.

Actually, I’ve been through the new starting area and content a couple times now for heritage gear, and they have it actually set up pretty good.

You level faster and get your skills much sooner so by the time you hit 60, you know your class pretty well. That’s been my experience anyway.

Coming from you alone, they don’t hold much water.

The way I play game has no bearing on our conversation. I’m not interested in playing a game of laurels with you.

Owch. Way to make yourself a public enemy.

Some classes are just harder than others. Markmanship hunter is a good place to start. It’s easy, it’s fun, you can just blast away. Get a good tanking pet and you can go invisible or play dead if you get into trouble.

I identify as a casual M+ player working my way to 3k. No full team, no set schedule. Oh, most importantly I play for fun so must be causal.


nah you’re wrong. You’re engaging in group content. According to GD you’re a sweaty try hard.


Calm down the games not that hard.

For any class.

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the only players to rage whisper me have been mm hunters…it all makes sense now lol :100:

i am impressed by their numbers though, so i can let it slide i guess :revolving_hearts:

Thats your opinion. A very uneducated one at that.

Actually it does. As you dont play the content thats being discussed you dont really have a valid opinion at all.

Truth hurts, and I wont sugarcoat it for precious flowers like yourself.

As is yours but there’s no point in discussing that since you’re in complete denial.

I dread to think how you’d regulate the forums based on that kind of thinking.

As long as you accept your role as an entitled troll then everyone would be happier.

I’m not the one in denial. You’re the one that’s been deemed a “lost cause” due to how out of touch you are.

People don’t ask the janitor for input on their brain surgery. I also didn’t say you can’t have an opinion. It just doesn’t have any merit.

I’m not a troll. When you realize you’re the player that does solo content and doesn’t have a valid opinion on group content the better you will be.

You claim I’m out of touch and still say something like this?

Your arrogance knows no bounds.

It’s enough to raise your hackles though, otherwise you’d of stopped replying by now but your ego won’t let you stop fighting.

Except this game is for everyone. Not just what you define as solo and group players.

Divide and conquer just doesn’t work when trying to validate your own opinion.

agree. This game is for everyone. But high level gear is not for everyone. It’s the case for vanilla. It’s the case for BC. It’s the case for WotLK.

Something of a different kettle of fish since Blizzard ruined everything with scaling.

you know the scaling was implemented because you guys are complaining we’re killing things too fast right?

We know you’re a mad when all you do is take things out of context.

Not really. I usually respond back to people who respond to me. The difference is I’m not the one hitting refresh every 44 seconds waiting for a reply.

I never said it wasn’t. Like do you apply any common sense before you go full Karen?

I have stated multiple times to play the game how you want too. However you don’t get to have a valid opinion on content you don’t do.

I don’t need you to validate my opinion or facts.

Been playing through classic, have yet to find any solo encounter that comes remotely close to the challenge in the Mage Tower.