1 day GD will learn that casual doesn’t mean you can’t play hard content. Or maybe they never will because too many bad players hiding behind being “casual”
It’s far more simpler.
The game just isn’t that good enough to invest in anymore.
then quit. It’s simple as that. It’s not like you’re doing anything of any relevance. You guys are just a small area of the game
Pretty sure it was the common joe in mass that put WoW on the map.
yup common joe put wow in the map. You’re not common joe. Common karen maybe
Anyone who posts on this forum is far from the common joe.
Plus I’m too sane to be a Karen, a troll maybe but not a karen.
if you say so honey
Do you mean level 11?
Maybe not but what does it matter to you?
level 11 is too hard for some folks.
I personally feel like the best class design was done Cata through WoD, and I don’t necessarily enjoy the new priority system over the old rotational system.
That’s where you’re wrong. My opinions are more valuable because I do the content.
I’m not in the wrong nor have I made a fool of myself. That would be you.
I disagree, WOW was never for ‘casual’ players to begin with. The time investment to level used to be quite long and any high end content required a lengthy time investment. Having said that, there is an issue of it introducing casual players and then trying to provide content for them at higher levels, which has been happening ever since initial character leveling was made easy. This has introduced a level of busy work without challenge previously unheard of. I get it, I’ve heard all the arguments that current content is ‘harder’ and ‘more involved’ but I disagree. There are challenging dungeons and raids, but the frequency of these and quality has become… regimented and predictable because they spend all their time creating ‘participation rewards’ for those who do not play or can not handle the challenges. This makes it harder on those who want to raid and the like because they are required to trudge through the same grinds as those who play casually for rewards. Unless you are incredibly lucky with RNG, you are punished for playing high end content because you now NEED to spent time on mounts, toys, and all the rewards that ACTUALLY carry on to the future with you and your hard earned gear is worthless. There is hardly reasonable time to do both, and no package given to those who deserve to achieve some of these as a guaranteed prize for going the harder route.
Undeserved ego comment from someone who was boosted on their warrior and shaman.
I hate to break it to you but your experience alone doesn’t bring in the bank.
I’ll just start counting the number of commenters you attempt defusing.
Never claimed they did. I just said yours are worthless.
You mean the number of bad players that plauge GD that cant accept the facts?
Right. Well I’m fairly sure you’ve dressed yourself down enough already.
There you go again. Put up walls and barriers because you can’t accept any other opinion that doesn’t agree with yours. Better hope an accomplished Mythic raider doesn’t come swinging in here disagreeing with you because by your own logic they outrank anything you have to contribute.
I mean, the reason we don’t have player housing which is a highly requested feature by the casual player base is because, lord for bid, the raiders loose a single raid tier in an expansion. I mean, why make something the majority player base wants if Ian’s in crowd of tryhards can’t have all the content that’s added over the expansion?
Its funny and a bit sad how delusional you are.
Thats because most of them dont have any basis in fact or reality. Much like your opinions.
They are more than welcome too, however you seem to not realize that I am do pretty decent in mythic.
I’ll let the forums be the judge of that.
Self defined fiction. Moving on…
But not the best, which will be your downfall.
Well has considering how many likes that comment by the Worgen got.