I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

Just do what I do and blow all cds every single time they come up and just mash whatever lights up on the screen. Hasn’t failed me yet

If you actually pvpd you’d know how wrong you are, but I notice you don’t even bother. Pve players are sad.

Rotations in vanilla were boring af. I can’t believe anyone would want to go back to that.

His joke is a good one.
Stay salty and inept.
:cow: :point_right: :salt:

Considering my mage has a 72% win rate it’s actually not a good one.

Either way no one takes twos seriously.

Stay clueless my guy.

You really, actually don’t understand the meaning of joke, do you?

Stay clueless, my :clown_face:.

I actually do.

However the person who commented that is a boosted duelist.

So the irony of talking about a winrate on a pve toon is what makes it a bad joke.

A joke is a joke, even when told by a joke. An inaccurate joke or not, it got you this upset and insulted you all this time even now. That’s a potent enough joke, don’t you think?

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A good joke requires it to be funny.

The irony is that pvp ratings have zero to do with pve rotations being easier. :joy::clown_face:

I’m not even upset. Just pointing out the irony.

Nothing anyone says on the forums will ever be enough to upset me.

Funny is subjective! I found it amusing. You did not. That’s that.


I mean if you want to be a sheep go for it.

You clearly don’t know me very well if you honestly think what someone says on the forums hurts my feelings.

I don’t have to know you from Adam. You’re still here and still going off about this. If you weren’t concerned about defending your image you’d have brushed it off and moved on 6 days ago.

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Lol this isn’t even close to me going off.

In fact it’s kind of entertaining watching people show how clueless about this game they actually are.

Shouldn’t be able to pick up a new class and just start playing it like a boss. It should take time.

Problem is there are things called addons that essentially make the game easier to play ( new or vet). So blizzard is trying to keep the game fast paced and high on quick decisions to make it challenging. Just remove addons and force players to play the game you create.

I promise you devs they will still play and it will be easier to balance and design

You haven’t played the game much have you?

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Ok. Don’t mald too hard. :~D


It really is quite outrageous that world quests still aren’t giving mythic raid gear.

Some of us have 18 kids and only 35 seconds a day to play.

We’re paying customers, too.


You, I like you. :omegalul:

Been playing since the end of BC off and on so yes I have.