So, you are intentionally lying. Nice!
A player cannot learn how to play properly until this is addressed. Addons lead to design and balance flaws
Nope. The rotations now compared to back in Wrath/Cata are the easiest they have been.
Even the talent trees are a joke and have been since they changed in mop.
Nope, the game was simple stupid in vanilla and bc. Talent trees have always been a joke.
But the small buffs and debuffs that change a game/match are worse than they have ever been
So you have designed this one shot meta, easy to pull off builds that are reliant on tiny buffs or debuffs.
Yet I remember seeing people with 71 points on one tree.
See above.
The game has almsot always been about burst setups. Only in BFA did the meta actually slow way down to dampening games.
Dampening literally only affected arena.
Also addons were present in bfa so you ignored my main point
Just because there was less information available to people back then doesnât make anything even more challenging. In fact, it was so easy people could beat content with any bad rotation or talent choices.
There wasnt less information. There were plenty of places to get said information.
Content difficulty has zero bearing on the discussion or comment.
Of course there was.
So, they what are you even talking about? Time to put the drugs down man!
I mean, tough rotations are nothing new.
Just take Sub Rogue PvE from Cataclysm:
- Ninja combo points while in stealth before pull from Honor Among Thieves from crit heals
- Spend them on Slice and Dice before pull
- Cast Tricks of the Trade on the tank on pull
- Shadowstep
- Ambush
- Rupture
- Recuperate (for Energy regen)
- Hemorrhage
- Maintain Rupture
- Maintain Slice and Dice
- Maintain Hemorrhage debuff
- Maintain Recuperate
- Vanish
- Ambush
- Shadow Dance
- Ambush until no energy
- Repeat all
And all of this while dodging those anti-melee mechanics and keeping up your turn on interrupts.
Was not easy, but man was it fun.
Thottbot, elitist jerks, wowhead all say hello.
Reading is hard for you. My comment was based on rotations only.
Sorry, they didnât have all the information that is available now a days.
Wrong, you said the game is easier than it has ever been:
Really it is time to put the weed down.
There were always guides and information available.
And I later clarified in my next post.
I dont smoke weed.
Sorry, all the character and gear sims werenât always as easily available.
Yeah, moving the goalposts it is what you do.
Smells like it.
They werent needed because backthen you had a BiS list because the only place you were getting gear from was raid.
you werent dealing with multiple pieces of loot from different sources with multiple stat variants.
Nope, I just clarified what I meant. Jumping to conclusions and going full Karen is what you do.
Nope, I probably should, would help me deal with small brained individuals like yourself easier.
Are you complaining that it takes skill and some form of practice now to perform your class to the best of its potential? You could just not do the 19 point rotation and do subpar DPS, it wonât affect your day to day play. But itâs not a bad thing that the game is becoming more mechanically complicated instead of artificially complicated (larger HP pools for bosses, longer gearing and attunement periods). If you enjoy Vanilla⌠good for you. But in terms of PvE, the game is infinitely better nowadays. Thereâs space for casuals in Heroic and Normal dungeons as well as LFR, and thereâs space for people who want a challenge and want to learn their classes well.
I guess you didnât check out the classic bis gear lists. Itâs cool though like I said this information wasnât available back in the day.
Nope moving the goalposts and acting like a Karen about it.
If you had any brains left after all the smoking. Sorry, to hear about it.
Which goes along with what I said.
Yes it was, just because you didnt know where to look doesnt mean it wasnt available.
Clarifying isnt moving the goalposts.
PS youre the Karen thats nitpicking.
Like I said, I dont smoke. Not everyone is down on your level