Literally just had one that disagrees with me that I didn’t blast.
You’re the one that continues to seek me out in threads to try and troll me because you’re that mad.
I didn’t even blast your main.
Literally just had one that disagrees with me that I didn’t blast.
You’re the one that continues to seek me out in threads to try and troll me because you’re that mad.
I didn’t even blast your main.
Whatever dude.
If you want keep making yourself look like a fool by painting a big target on your back then that’s your business.
I’m the fool yet you keep bringing up points that easily get refuted.
The sooner you stop trying to troll me the sooner you stop embarrassing yourself.
No one cares how you play the game.
When you try to post an opinion on content that you don’t do or have a clue about is when you get corrected and turn into a Karen.
I mean I don’t really have to when you make it so easy for everyone else.
I’m just here to remind you that your opinion matters just as much as mine or everybody else, despite how many laurels or achievements you try shoving into peoples faces.
Haha then you don’t know me if you’re trying to compare me to a Karen.
That’s actually not true. My opinions have merit because I actually partake in the content I’m commenting on. You do not. I haven’t even shoved my achievements in anyone’s face rofl. Keep making stuff up.
You’re following me into multiple threads talking about how I’m a hypocrite.
Yet you tried to blast me for not posting on my pvp toon yet you refuse to post on your main.
I could post even more times you have contradicted yourself in this thread alone but I don’t care that much.
LOL. People don’t know what they don’t know. The idea that a glance at the spellbook is going to spontaneously turn someone who is still struggling to figure out what keybinds are all about into an accomplished player in a brief period of time is closing your eyes to avoid what you don’t want to see.
I remember all those threads about “what was the dumbest thing you did as a noob?” And there was always someone in there who was opening their spellbook and clicking spells in it because they didn’t know any better, because nowhere in the game did it explain how it’s supposed to be done.
If the game is only for new players who have actually been playing at an elite level in games like this for many years, you have failed and lost all new player in that bargain you made with the devil.
I actually remember those threads.
In this case I can since I still have a sub and I still play the game. Check.
I’m sure it’d be the same for you.
I never said you can’t have an opinion. I just said it doesn’t have any merit. There is a difference.
You would be wrong.
But sure keep following me into threads and proving my Karen comment. It’s always entertaining at your expense.
I already know you’re a troll, thanks for the reminder.
What? In your little discord club?
Couldn’t care less.
It’s not worth it, Snoz gets carried by guild and that’s why they’re so against solo content and supposed ‘casuals’ talking about how ‘ez’ current game is supposedly compared to before… When it used to be you didn’t have to log in every day to keep your ‘power’ up and get ready for a raid. All you needed was gear.
Ironic considering you’re the troll following me because I have hurt your fragile ego with facts. You just can’t stand no one taking your opinion seriously because you lack credibility.
Yet you keep bringing it up.
Ahh the pretend best feral in Europe is here
If anything its the one who pretends their opinion should be valued above others.
Speaks volumes of their arrogance when they think they can never be wrong.
You’re the one who brought it up. Drawing on support from one of the few sources that might agree with you…though whether they’re humoring you or not is another matter.
I never said that. My opinion is equal to others that actually do the content. It’s when you don’t do the content is when your opinion is valued less.
I can be wrong. I have been before. I’m just not wrong on anything you have tried to point out.
I haven’t brought it up today at all. There you go pretending again.
That doesn’t mean you haven’t before.
People really defending this? Like what the?
But yeah it’s a problem that effects a lot more then just new players its also a huge problem for people with disabilities such as myself and recently it’s just getting worse, like I used to be able to get by as a Warlock on my own playing affliction using my Blueberry too tank which not only helped with not dying but also managing packs as I’m not great at AOE dps like at all giving me time to DPS them down one at a time
Then Shadowlands happened Affliction was changed heavily too something I honestly hate and with the lvl squish and all that the void walker was effectively nerfed and became completely useless after that I quit only getting back in now cause I miss WoW
Yes I commented it what a few weeks ago?
You’re bringing it up now
Affliction is actually really good at aoe dps. Their single target is very weak right now.
You group up a bunch of adds and use seed of corruption.
The warlock forums can offer some solid advice if you’re looking for tips.
I’ve got good memory.
Particularly when someone whose mad has to pull on their support.