It tells us enough.
If you’re going to go around and tell everyone you know better then you have to have that perfect record.
Otherwise you’re just another windbag.
It tells us enough.
If you’re going to go around and tell everyone you know better then you have to have that perfect record.
Otherwise you’re just another windbag.
You clearly don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.
Even rank ones don’t have perfect records.
It’s already been established that you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about
It’s just hilariously hypocritical to tell people the game is easier when you only have a 48% win rate in 2s.
If you’re going to rag on players experiences then you have to be up to scratch.
My pvp toon has a 72% win rate in twos.
You have a 0% win rate in twos.
No one with a clue actually cares about twos.
My comment and this discussion is about pve so twos win percent is even more irrelevant than it already is.
Then you should be posting on that toon, no?
Considering that was a blanket statement, that means pvp too so you got that wrong.
Dead wrong.
What a clueless comment with 54 upvotes
It’s generally accepted by most that raids have gotten harder over time albeit some briefly over-tuned fights of the past. You can’t compare earlier raids to modern ones mechanically. Dungeons can now scale in difficulty, and while I’m not sure exactly how many abilities on average each class has used each expansion I am sure there were less in the past. Yea, I played Vanilla.
I lose faith in humanity when I see comments like this with so many upvotes. What does that say about people exactly? they’ll just agree with and believe whatever narrative fits their view even if it’s wrong?
I could. I have linked my pvp toon so I don’t see a point in swapping my avatar.
You don’t post on
So why do you have any room to talk?
No I didn’t. The original post is talking about rogue rotations in BC
Just a clutch of sycophants who can’t see players playing the game in any other way then theirs.
Because it’s not clueless.
No one is discussing raids. The original post and my comment are directed at rotations because rotations and classes have been simplified and dumbed down.
Because it’s not wrong.
Yea op. We should totally go back to Spam Frostbolt and red is bad. That was pinnacle if gaming right there. Truly unparalleled gaming exoerience we will never see the likes of again.
Whatever you say man.
Let see…no mention of only rogues gameplay, pve or pvp…hrm…
Oh. Those likes don’t represent the games whole right? Just like how my likes didn’t count in the ML topic?
I remember healing in wrath, cata, mop, it was literally “whack-a-mole”, and that’s actually what they called it. No expectation to dps either
The rogue forums at the start of shadowlands were in an uproar because people were crying about too much to manage on assassin rogue.
It was literally managing two bleeds and SnD. One bleed didn’t even need combo points.
So yes compared to Cata where rogues had too manage two bleeds and recuperate and sometimes expose armor.
Yep. This.
When was the last time you saw a quest that suggested 3 players and actually needed help to complete it? There’s no Hogger equivalent. There’s no non-instanced world content that challenges anyone anymore. There is nothing in the game that will stop you from reaching max level and endgame world content rewards until you learn your class. There is nothing in non-instanced content that makes you use your entire toolkit. The way leveling dungeons were reworked…honestly, you don’t have to learn your class in those, either.
Tanks learn really bad habits in that environment (and take a lot of abuse, to boot). Healers come up thinking a lesser heal keybind is all they need and they can just DPS without watching health bars because no one ever dies. DPS think they can pull anything they want as much as they want and as fast as they want…and that’s what they think is expected of them in M+ b/c nothing in the leveling experience would contradict it.
How many druids don’t even have Soothe keybound? How many shaman are running around without cap totem keybound? How many classes with a debuff or stun or interrupt NEVER use it or use them on the wrong things? This is what I’m talking about. That’s why it’s different.
A new player or one coming back to WoW after a decade playing other games would assume that leveling a new character will help him learn to play his class, but it won’t. In fact, unless he researches how to play his class on an outside website of some kind, he will probably develop really bad habits while leveling up that will hinder his improvement at endgame.
Add to that all of the systems and currencies he’ll be faced with when he does hit level cap.
That’s the point. The game used to challenge players from about level 6. If you pulled the wrong thing, you learned. If you pulled too much, you learned. You had many quests that required partnership with another person out in the world, teaching basic roles and class differences. There’s none of that anymore.
It’s in reply to the threads original post.
Try to keep up Bloody. I know you pretty much just lost all credibility and are trying to nitpick anything to save face but you’re wasting your time.
I’m not the one who brought up the likes. Likes still don’t matter or change n facts.
The only difference is that my statement is backed by facts and yours weren’t.
I also play the content that ML is based on and you don’t which is why your opinion doesn’t have much merit.
Whatever you have to say to ward off that loss.
At the end of the day, I am content in knowing that you’re wrong.
This. It’s even funnier in mplus when you bring a mage specifically for curse dispell in SD and they don’t use it once.
Ironic considering you’re the one with the L.
Ignorance is bliss because I’m not wrong.
Have a good night Ardmccloud.
I think we’d have to do a count of many times you blast a forum goer who disagrees with you.