I have to agree...this game is no longer for the casual player

Eluna on another alt, you know I can see your Alts on check pvp right?. Talk all that crap about someone being on an alt just to do it yourself ? Lol. And your Moonguard insult was funny seeing as you have a toon on there yourself , hey guldrim you’re really bad at trolling.

Nope. Definitely was addressing you.

That’s absolute gold :joy:

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The community doesn’t help either. For example I just resubbed. Was doing LFR Rygelon last night for the first time. Orbs started spawning so I thought I’d make good use of my CC to stop the orbs. Nope. After 1 wipe I got kicked from the raid for that. Like 3 or 4 people got really pissed at me for not sticking to DPS as if we were parsing Mythic. Really makes me not want to play.


I was addressing OP…

I’m not sure I remember what your post said…

Listing off all these supposed alts of mine doesn’t change that fact that you’re upset lol

That worgen at the top still rolled you harder than any comment on this post lol.

He didn’t roll anything as we’ve pointed out a %48 win rate is not bad at all and he’s literally boosted . Your pathetic attempt at trolling is sad. And my comments are more so when people read it they know not to take your ignorant comments about pvp seriously.

Wtf are they even talking about?

You didn’t slice and dice till like aq40

Up until that ss was a pretty solid rogue rotation.

I’m not I just don’t want people taking your ignorant self serious, you’re pathetic and I’m done wasting my time with a 1500 hardstuck bozo.

raises hand That’s me too. I don’t think any of my characters know what a “real” rotation is. I just know I can kill stuff and enjoy my online time without stressing. I currently have 7 characters in ZM and have never had an issue with keeping the spells going, but I do know that I don’t do as much damage as I could but as a solo player I’m not trying to impress anyone. /cheers


So you’re just delusional?

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you forgot to mention, also make sure you are in the right covenant, and get the right conduits… what you don’t want to be a Necrolord (Shadow Priest), well too bad, go level it up! Oh yeah, and get the right legendries in the correct spots, and don’t forget those trinkets. And don’t worry, RNG is your friend. :expressionless: :expressionless:


You forget that a new player will not be expected to have their rotation down to a science and while leveling you can not even have much of a rotation because most of your skills are locked. I think that is the biggest thing when it comes to WoW that hurts it at the end game. Players level and the game teaches them NOTHING of how their class is played at level cap. Players play the game and then at cap are all of a sudden told they suck.

Don’t play Hanzo. There are simpler classes to play.

That’s why new players start at level 1.

No he didn’t.

I have a higher lifetime arena rating than he does
He bought duelist on both of his characters
My mage is my pvp toon and is higher rated than he is
No one cares about twos rating. Especially when I just helped guildies cap with 10% vers.

So no anyone that’s played above 1500 understands he didn’t “roll” anyone.

Yes he did.

Even other posters have you caught you out.


Are you really that clueless?

No one cares about twos let alone on a pve toon.

No he didn’t.

And other posters have agreed he didn’t.

My hunter is my pve toon. And even if it wasn’t. No one cares about twos rating.