I don’t know if I’m supposed to have TL3 or not given the temporary nature of having it while Vrak was on vacation as per my other thread. I just wanted to make sure I’m supposed to have it still because I wouldn’t want to have it in some way that’s not fair to other members of the forum (like the old beta group some of us were in was). I could not ask at all and keep using TL3-permitted features, but I wouldn’t feel right doing so if I’m not supposed to have it.
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Yes, you are. The overall inquiries about Trust 3 and some of the disqualifying marks that made you ineligible are still pending. I’m not sure when they’ll get back to me, so in the meantime, you still have it because I granted it to you.
Note, this is due to the history on the account being what it is. It is also because I believe the disqualifications might be working off of a system that we have on the back end and being judged incorrectly (which is one of the things I’m asking about).