I have the Sha, Nalak and Hulon mounts now everyone gets them… GOOD

Yep, it’s understandable for when those mounts are relevant and NEW but the content was severely nerfed - because they want it to be rare for awhile for those who earned it in the now. Aight, fine.

It’s 10+ years old now, why is it still 1% lol

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Yes, I think making current things a 1% drop rate is fine, I’d prefer higher but whatever I don’t think blizz is going to do that.

But each expansion that passes there should be a growing chance to drop.

So as of now DF would have 1% items.

Shadowlands rares would drop mounts at 5%

BFA mounts could be 10% and so on and so on until they cap at like 25% maybe.

So if I go after a mount from Kara I should have a good chance to get it in 4 tries or something

no, everything that is 1% drop rate should stay at 1% drop rate

A slap.
In the face?

“That which is given freely has no value”

Why is gold valuable? Because it’s rare.
Why are diamonds valuable? Because of their (artificial) scarcity.

If something is difficult to acquire it attains value. It doesn’t matter if that difficulty is based on skill, luck, or determination. If it’s rare as a result, it’s value is higher.

If everyone has everything there is no motivation to obtain anything. Rarity, for whatever reason, is a good thing. Some things need to stay rare. If you want it badly enough, you’ll put in the time to get it. There are people who have been trying for the MOP mounts every week, often on multiple characters, for years - literally since MOP was released. They do it because they accept the low drop rate and they are willing to put in the effort to get it anyway.

If Blizz wants to motivate people to grind through their low effort side games they can at least offer mounts that are recolors, not the rare mounts themselves.

Just my 2 cents worth of free advice

Just a heads up most of the people who will benefit from this are mount collectors who have probably suffered a long time not getting these drops. The rest of us don’t care.

Value is not simply a function of rarity. If that were the case, every artist out there could sell their unique creations for exorbitant amounts of money based solely on the fact that it’s “one of a kind”.
You’d be right if you only value simply possessing something, and you attribute that value to other people not having it. Frankly that’s just petty, and it’s even more petty to attribute such value to some cosmetic items in a video game that require no skill and very little effort to acquire.

The irony of referring to Remix as “low effort” when compared to the current means of acquisition is hilarious.

Low effort refers to side 'games" that require little more than some back end programming as they seem to all reuse existing assets. Rather than giving away rare mounts, they could instead offer recolors of those rare mounts, but apparently that would require “too much effort”.

The so called “current means of acquisition” involves original design work that went in at the time MOP was created and was clearly not low effort at all.

With a coming expansion you’re either getting “low effort,” or nothing… personally I’ll take a fun little low effort side game over nothing at all.

You mean like the recolors of the heavenly and thundering cloud serpents we already have?

Or do you mean the ~32 recolors that they’re releasing for Timerunning for much cheaper than the rare drop mounts? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I remember the feeling of getting something rare that you spent days weeks months grinding for. I remember RAF and Scroll of res, and now mounts only if you buy 6-12 month subs. Now i remember that it means nothing, and the trade post or Twitch giveaways and now mini games just give it all away.

Its fine if everyone has them, they hold no meaning. Its kinda like achievement points after the fact nobody cares anymore.

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wait, ALL the mounts? like, ji-kun and horridon too?

i have those ones, they make me feel special… if everyone gets them… well, i won’t mind, cause i have other tricky mounts, but still!

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To say I care would be an overstatement but I do admit to some sadness that the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent won’t be rare anymore since I was farming the Sha of Anger for years and it’s my only rare mount.

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Yup. You can look at the list of recolors (if you like cranes you’ll be really happy), and past that is the mounts that are already in retail that you can buy.

Definitely give them credit for those - that’s the right way to do it. Especially the phoenix, it’s one of my favorite mounts and I love to see others finally have access to that model again.


hmmm… i have… mixed feelings about this. on the one hand, more folks will have my special mounts… on the other, i’ll finally be able to get a mushan.

also, holy-smokes, they’re putting in the shadowlands-beta windsteeds as mounts! they were supposed to be those… owl-deer that’re in bastion, but they got swapped-out for some reason. they’re finally gonna be in the game!

so… sad what i’ve earned from constant-repetition and dumb-luck won’t be so special, but like… now i’ll get the other special things my luck would’nt give me.


also, wait. the thundering ruby serpent is that expensive? really? my buddy gave me mine for free, why’s it cost so much??

eitherway, galleon, and heavenly onyx windserpent, here i come!

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I have all but Nalak and Rukhmar, but I got them over many years of attempts. And those years of attempts have been fun in their own way. I have never gone to any of those spawn points and not been greeted by at least a few other stalwart mount farmers. There’s a certain camaraderie to it, and this will take that away.

So sure, I’m a bit sad to see Blizzard do this. The recolors? Fantastic - I’ll be grinding currency for those myself. But the old rare mounts? That’s a bridge too far IMO.

I look at it like this: if I like a mount and others are also using that mount, I’m happy because someone else is getting to enjoy the same mount. Like the love fox we got, by no means rare, but after the initial hype of the new mount, you don’t see them as much. I want that mount to make others as happy as it makes me. I don’t have any of the Pandaria mount drops, but I have a few cloud serpents and I really like them. And love watching the animation of several cloud serpents synced up.


Back when I was still farming Sha, it was common to see a Rockettes style lineup of dozens of danger noodles. Going to need to bring that back in places like Valdraken if no one will be at Sha anymore.

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This is equivalent to you working as a loader and getting paid for it, while at the same time there’s another loader in your team who doesn’t show up for work but still gets paid. Your conclusion sounds like this: "So what if I work and he doesn’t, I still get paid anyway.