I have the Sha, Nalak and Hulon mounts now everyone gets them… GOOD

So according to wowhead all of the MoP world boss mounts will be available from a vendor in the new MoP mode, I already see people complaining it’s a slap in the face to their effort farming…

I just don’t get it, I have the mounts and barely use them. Why would you care if everyone is flying around on them, it doesn’t make yours look any worse.


They probably aren’t using them either. A lot of the most dug-in collectors are just filling in checkboxes on various lists. There’re a few with large collections who actually enjoy/appreciate them, but I’m willing to bet it’s nothing more than a numbers game for most of them.


They’re really expensive so I don’t think it’s an issue for anyone.


True and true, simplearmory puts me at 810/900 mounts, favourite mount(s) in the game that actually get use, legion class hall mounts.


Cant wait for it but I wish the Pandaria remix was longer than 3 weeks. Was bummed to hear how short it is.


When did they announce that

??? Where was this information posted?


I found out due to the ptr today that changes you make to your favorite mounts while mount journal enhanced is installed doesn’t affect the base favorites lol. I have so many favorites from SL on the ptr that I haven’t had favorited in years.

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I’m just gonna copy/paste my previous response to this:

I’m just glad I already have everything from mop. It means I get to save on bronze for all the new stuff. So I automatically get a headstart over anyone else still grinding mop content.


He’s trolling he makes up stuff a lot.


It makes me mad that noobs can waltz up to a vendor and buy the Sha and Hulon mounts. But I don’t have Nalak yet so it will be cool to buy it.

Imagine getting upset when someone else gets an item in game that doesn’t even make you stronger just because you got it the “right way.”

If it was gear that gives you an advantage, I could understand it, but it’s just a mount. An item that gets you from A to B. They are just cosmetics, they don’t make you stronger or give you an advantage.

Makes no sense to me.


Mad because others can buy what you already have, but you are totally fine with buying the ones you don’t yourself.


Think that’s the joke, but my humor is pretty dry so I might be reading too much.

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If it was a joke it wasn’t a good one. lol There are, sadly, people who actually think this way.


well, the issue is that many people put in years of effort to obtain these mounts by farming the world bosses, now everyone gets the mounts for free during one limited time event for almost no work at all.

so, it kinda makes everyone feel as though their hardwork has been wasted.


Incorrect. You don’t speak for everyone.


Eh maybe. It reads to me like when there is a video recording of someone complaining about bad drivers, while they are driving. The joke is as you said ‘people think this way’, so you have the build up with ‘i hate this thing’ then the punch ‘proceeds to do the thing’.

my hardwork is wasted! Anyway blizzard increase the fyrakk axe drop rate it’s not fair :frowning: :frowning:

where did they say it was only 3 weeks long?