I have the Sha, Nalak and Hulon mounts now everyone gets them… GOOD

Glad I got all four then.

The “hard work” for a lot of people was watching a movie, or playing another game, while sitting at the spawn waiting for rare scanner to air horn them. Then they would hit the mob, see if it dropped mount, and move on to the next. Not exactly difficult just annoying.


Son of Galleon, yes it’s on the list.

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Please explain how I’m gatekeeping, I literally said I’m glad everyone can get them now and explained why I feel that way.

Lol did you really not even read my OP that you’re claiming is gatekeeping?

Warbringer direhorn mount is on the list, at only half of the price of the others. Say what you want about the Sha, Galleon and Huolon mounts ( I have those), but the Warbringer mount is the elusive one. The others you can just sit in one spot and wait.

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No, not everyone feels like this. You might think they do because you feel this way, but plenty of people collect mounts so they can have mounts for themselves not so they can have mounts others cannot.


Am I correct only one color is on the list? I have 3/4 but can’t remember which

Horridon and Oondasta direhorns are on there as well.

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Yes! If anything I find it fun to occasionally see someone on the same mount as me, like me and a random both mounting up in Mimron’s Head in De Other Side.

“You use that as a ground mount too?”

“Heck ya it was an annoying farm I’m using it lol”

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For reference.

If I’m correct there should be six direhorns right? Horridin, oondasta, and four colors from the spawning ones all one pandaria.

There are 8 direhorn mounts in-game. Unsure where all they come from, but one is Zandi race mount and one is zandi paladin mount.

Edit - Bone collecting mount was a raptor.

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This is cool …many of us players have spent years and years trying for those world boss mounts…with no luck…for me its cool I’ll buy some of them…I not chasing mount collecting as I use too…I have the best Two mounts in the game…The Love Rocket :rocket: and the Magic Rooster Egg mount :chicken:.

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It’s about the hunt, not the prize


Once everything is worthless…

Then everything will be worthless.

I was able to use a chromie time trick to get almost all of the mounts, missing Galleon and Oondasta so I may buy those.

Although I am looking more for count so I’d rather buy the 30 cheaper mounts first.

then immediately says

what a :clown_face:


Yep, I’m actually glad I have quite a few of the world bosses already as those are expensive. I’ll be able to focus on getting most of the cheaper ones first to get my closer to the 500 achievement I don’t have yet

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Just a thank you for posting the thread, it put the bug in my tail to go farming.
Acquired a total of 9 mounts today, all from farming Zandalari Warbringers.
Have an alt that was honored with the Shadopan, Golden Lotus and Klaxxi, and he rode the carousel @ the DMF for the boost.
Parked alts at each of the 5 Warbringer spawn points, cycling through them with logins, logoffs. Killed enough warscouts and warbringers to collect enough stolen insignias to raise rep with the 3 factions to revered, bought the 3 faction rep boosts. Repeated the above steps to get to exalted, then bought the 3 crane mounts from Golden Lotus, the 3 tiger mounts from Shado-pan, and the scorpion of the Klaxxi. That got me to 400 mounts, 8th of the day was the free Frenzied Feltalon from the achieve. Went back to cycling through alts and finally got one of the direhorns to drop from a warbringer for mount #9.


ain’t no one seriously complaining about waiting 15 to kill a world boss, and if they’re… they’re just trolling.