I have the Sha, Nalak and Hulon mounts now everyone gets them… GOOD

In the official announcement.

i just read through the “under development: MOP Remix” article and didn’t see any date or time duration.

what i did find on wowhead was that the “class sets” that will be awarded to players for completing certain achievements are just recolors of the trader post class sets.

so atleast i dont have to engage with this event.

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Same reason why people complain about difficulty settings in Dark Souls. That is, no valid reason, they’re just tragic gate keeping losers who’ve invested their very identities into their corporate product of choice and feel threatened when someone below their designated station can access that product too.


they just think Blizzard is spitting on their efforts, i mean seriously at this point it is just riddiculous to get mad at this, we are talking about years ago like there is no reason at this point.

i mean seriously there is so much stuff in this game that have been moved or change and quite frankly i am more insulted and mad that i put so much effort into this game only to see it be change in such a drastic way that i feel like i am playing a game made for (i don’t even want to finish that sentence)

my point is bring back old stuff that i worked hard in the past to get is not a problem or a insult to me because i understand that it is awesome that we can get those and people that where not able to get it for 1 reason or another are finally able to get them.

making things a bit easier is not a insult to me, i am more insulted at the fact that the game it self have been twisted to satisfy the sensitive hipocrites than Blizzard braking a promise made YEARS ago about a item not coming back.(i guess as Garrosh say: Times Change)

Pandaria was the expansion that i loved the most, seeing all this come back have made me a bit happier (just wish the capes questlines would have been back as well because i never got to finish it way back then because life happened, i only have my hopes on Classic now, that is if Blizzard is gonna make a classic version of Pandaria that is *sigh.)


guys im very upset people can buy the prestigious vendor foods and waters i worked so hard to farm off mobs.


I think this speaks more on how disgusting 1% drop rates are more than people getting it assuredly by killing other mobs senselessly like you do now except on a weekly basis lol.


Any word on the lizard in Valley of Four Winds? Would buy that one if I could.

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I would buy the mimirons head mount. just to watch the forums burn. plus i really want it.


As a once very committed mount collector, i really couldn’t care less.

Once upon a time i had to collect every mount i could get my hands on, but now i have literally dozens of easy to collect mounts sitting on vendors and such, it’s hard to get motivated when you’re so far ahead (like, hundreds ahead) of the highest collecting achievement and Blizzard just keeps adding more and more crappy recolors while also tossing out old rare stuff for free like they’re confetti lol


These people have been ignored by Blizzard, regarding the MoP-content. They rather see a rise of Pandaren-popularity than having some edgelords being happy, which is a good thing moving forward.

It’s a good thing, if you think about it. More options for your transmogs is always great to have.


The “hardest” part about farming these world bosses is not getting distracted between spawns and/or actually getting a tag; it’s really not that serious.
I’d argue anyone whose spent years farming these mounts obviously has plenty of time they don’t mind wasting anyway, myself included.


you can buy mimiron’s head from the black market auction house.

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if it’s not that serious, let everyone farm the mounts in the same way then…

no need to put them on a vendor since it’s so casual and non-serious, right?


I use my Magic Rooster everywhere i go anyway, well everywhere that requires ground mounts, when flying i use the customizable gryphon that came with the next expansion purchase, it’s all white and matches my angelic mog lol

SL had some great mounts.

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I still don’t have the one from Sha but that will be one of the last things I will buy because far too many unavailable items I want to buy first.

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old blanchy.

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I have all of them, every world boss and raid boss mount in mists of pandaria. I do not care at all. Those bosses have been easily soloable since legion to anyone who cared to go back and do it, and if you think this time commitment somehow makes your prior time commitment less valuable you have issues.


What, your fave is not the Guldan mount I got you?
-i think that was you…-

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who gives a crap? there % got massively buffed a few months/year ago. its how i got them within a month. its morronic gatekeepers like op that just screw it for the rest of us