I have solved general discussion forum trolling (brilliant idea in this thread)

just make forum account actions also apply in game

if you get banned on forums you get banned in game

would certainly get me to stop posting, y’all have been uninspiring anyway

It is incredibly rare for people to be perma banned from the forums. I have only heard of it happening a couple of times in all the years I have been here. They were able to play the game fine without causing trouble, but they couldn’t control their behavior on the forums.

How many times are you going to pitch this idea?


this will probably be my first and only

I don’t think he’s T.

I dunno, I think this is you:

It was a bad idea then and it’s a bad idea now.


The “new” forums have been around long enough that old characters are becoming grayed out and ripe for trolling.

Ahh yes, let’s come up with more ideas to make sure people never speak again or people will abuse this, and even will use this against you. /s :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Bad idea.

He ain’t t. Check the pets.

The ts post with alts and you can see with thier pets.


bro dont snitch on me respect the code of the streets

Hello, I see you are providing feedback on how you believe forum and in-game punishments should carry-over to one-another. Note that the forums and the game are governed by separate sets of rules, and thus this sort of idea would lead to cruel and unusual punishments. Do note however that Blizzard carefully reviews the feedback left on the forums, so rest assured your voice will be heard by the Development team. I wish you a wonderful morning and have a great weekend!


I think this same idea was flung around just recently. It’s like how I got banned from Tinder- there’s an option to report someone for actions outside of the app, which made absolutely zero sense, seeing as you couldn’t prove any claims on the report. Now here, you can attach some crap behavior, but it’s still in zero relation to the game itself.

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Im helping ya! Your pets show you aint a T

Is it bad that the Ts troll so much that we know who we are referring to when we say that?

What Code of the streets? :laughing:

That’s what people had to do here to make sure you’re not an alt of the Triple Terrible Trio.

i am my own one of an kind brand of distilled autism


Hey how do you post just an emoji?

Well the emoji is over 10 characters, and the chat detects that as just 10 chars.


lol idk bro :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :drooling_face: :pensive: :nauseated_face:

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Aaah got you. Ty for that.

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