Forum Bans should carry over to In-Game Bans

Hey folks, I was trying to think of more ways we can potentially help our Community become more wholesome and less filled with trolls/bad actors/etc.

I had suggested a RealID feature which obviously the trolls weren’t interested in as it would expose them, but I have a suggestion that I think will be the perfect compromise:

If you get suspended or banned on the Forums, you face an in-game suspension or ban as well.

I think this is going to be a great first step to deterring future trolls, it would allow for people to understand that their words will carry weight and they need to be careful to follow the forum CoC/ToS.

Some might be opposed to this, but I think this will greatly help the security of our Forums.

Thank you for allowing my share my thoughts and I hope you all have a blessed day! :heart:


Yes, punish people in-game for things not done in-game. Makes perfect sense! /s


Forums and in-Game are both part of WoW, so yes toxicity in one place will mean punishment throughout the entire game.


No /10 char


All they would have to do is cut down on trolling is make your post count account wide. They did that on the previous forums and it really cut down on sock puppeting. On here it’s rampant.


I disagree, I believe the only form of correction to bad behavior is punishment otherwise people will keep abusing it regardless of the system.


No, WoW is a game. The forums are a discussion venue about WoW with ties to WoW, but it’s not WoW.


People pay for the game though - you think they will pay if they get a 30 day suspension? Some people have permanent bans from this forum - still going to pay?


It’s an extension of WoW so yes the same rules shall apply to both.

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in that case i hope you don’t plan on playing the game anymore on your troll account, OP


Post bait threads
Trawl for posters calling out my nonsense
Post more threads advocating for game bans

Checks out :popcorn:


Except “shall apply to both” is a decision Blizzard makes and not you. Guess what they’ve already decided? Separate rules for separate things. Mindblowing I know.

Good point, going to stop myself right here and mute :slight_smile:


You have to pay to use forums as well, if you’re ruining people’s time on here then you’re doing it in-game too therefore a game wide ban is vital.

Things can change and I will advocate for my own ruleset whether you disagree with it or not.

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The authoritarian is strong in this one.


people aren’t paying to use the forum though - some people never come here and they pay just as much for game time as others that do

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way to make wow even MORE anti social just like social contract did…lol.

the social contract should be renamed to the anti social contract.


Ahh I see why you’re against it. Couldn’t get away with upvoting yourself. Carry on.


It takes an active sub to use Forums so yes they are paying, if you pay for this service to troll then you deserve a ban for everything that sub pays for including the game.

How would this make the game anti-social?

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We get it, OP. You like posting flamebait topics and starting arguments.


wrong - you can use parts of the forum without an active sub