I have a retail wow subscription and would like to know if I can play classic wow with the same subscription? Also, I’m on a Mac.
I tried to see if I can log into a classic server but I don’t see where I could do that. Do I need to buy a separate account in order to play wow classic? I thought it was included.
Sure can! Classic WoW and WotLK Classic are perks of your retail subscription. If you’re on your Battle.net launcher page, you can select whichever game you’d like to play. You’ll get the big blue button that says “Install”, but once you get that part taken care of, it’ll go to being “Play” instead.
This might sound stupid but I don’t know how to get to my “launcher page”. In my WOW files on the Mac there is a World of Warcraft Launcher but when I try to open that I get error “The application World of Warcraft can’t be opened”.
In my World of Warcraft folder I have files’‘’’
retail retail_WTF
Launcher db
World of Warcraft Launcher
In the file “retail” is another file called “World of Warcraft” and that I how I open retail.
To be honest, I have absolutely no clue when it comes to Macs. Now, I’ve given this a cursory watch to make sure this wasn’t some click-bait thing, but it seems to be on the up and up? Perhaps someone else who plays on a Mac will trip over this thread and can be more help than myself? But perhaps this shall at least get the ball rolling for you in the meantime.
[EDIT] Standby. I thought I read it was for Classic. Will update with more appropriate vid ASAP
That would probably be best. I am sorry. This is admittedly the one spot I have no clue in how to advise you. But! At least your initial question was answered?
Hopefully you’ll get things figured out with the folks who hang out over there and be facing down Hogger before you know it (you poor, poor soul).
If you mean to play classic, then yes, you’d need to download the classic form of that game in order to play it. THe battle.net will have a dropdown to pick what you want to install/play.