So what’s stopping you from doing something like a normal raiding guild is there is no glue holding that group together. It’s not black or white as to why people raid and stay in guilds. Some people do it for friendship and group activity, some people as a means to an end for the best gear and some people do it for a sense accomplishment and everything in between.
Basically, If you want to destroy mythic raiding guilds, drop mythic raiding gear from world quests. Same principle applies to normal and heroic.
I have never said Raiding is the only thing to do, only that I have no reason to raid. It shouldn’t be the only way to raid, but it should be where the highest gear comes from (Ignoring ranked PVP). It shouldn’t be able to get heroic raid level gear from simple word quests.
I have wanted to raid - I raided a lot in Legion. It was fun getting better gear and cool transmogs. Only now the transmogs available have been reduced by two-thirds, which makes it easy to collect, and they’re a lot more bland. Hell, a lot of the troll gear from dungeons/quests look a lot enter than the non-mythic raid sets so far. That left ilevel the main reason, but gear’s been fairly easy to obtain so I haven’t done as much.
Most heroic pug raids want the usual ‘outgear the raid-ilevel’ so I haven’t really put much effort into joining one. Now I have yet another way to get heroic-level gear on top of warfronts and world-pvp quests, there’s really no motivation left.
My Ally main can’t get trinkets to save his life. We were through Normal and starting on Heroic before I even got a trinket from Uldir. And that was a bonus roll during a normal gearing run for new raiders.
It destroys PVP conquest system as well. No point in grinding over 5000 conquest points over 10 weeks to start to obtain same ilevel gear as emissaries.
These ilvl bumps are really just a buff to the attendance boss, and right now i don’t believe the attendance boss is mathematically possible of being defeated.
The guild i am in are not world beaters, but we generally clear normal and fknish off enough bosses in heroic that we always say ‘next tier we are clearing this’.
Attendance has always been tricky, but generally forming a raid with a decent number of people used to be possible.
I imagine after this we will be struggling quite a bit.
It seems everyone who plays this game now does it only for gear. People n ok longer seem to care about completing content. They would be satisfied if they could just log in, hit a button three times and see if they got any upgrades.
I always thought gear was a means to an end. Apparrently it is the end to the means.
BoD has been out long enough now that if they had been raiding it from day one, they would be dropping like flies a while ago unless they had the absolute worst luck with drops (which is one of the reasons world rewards get bumped, to supplement people with bad luck and to give undergeared progression groups that little push).
Besides, a “raider” who decides ilvl is the end all, be all to the point where they’d completely stop raiding or doing M+ just to chase emissaries is also the exact same kind of person you don’t want in your groups anyway. That’s the kind of “raider” who always shows up horribly itemized and doesn’t have enchants or flasks or food.
And there you go again, talking about not needing heroic gear for solo world content. That’s why I said it sounded like you were gatekeeping earlier, because that sounds exactly like worrying too much about what someone else is doing with their own gear. It shouldn’t matter one lick to either of us if World Quest Hero XxKiritoxX decides to use his shiny i400 gear clearing piss-easy solo content.
Wait, so you’re upset that Blizzard is giving you options instead of forcing you to raid (instead of doing it because you want to like a normal person)?
I’m sorry, but this is entirely a “you” problem then. If you really wanted to raid, you would do so. If, according to you, the only reason you aren’t raiding is because you can get gear with a similar ilvl (but most likely, inferior power) from other content, it really doesn’t sound like your heart was ever set on raiding to begin with.
And for what I’ve said for what feels like the millionth time, raiding and M+ are still your best avenues for the best high ilvl gear by a country mile.
The raiding scene weathered the storm of a world-reward bump just before BoD, and I’m sure it’ll do just fine come Tuesday. Like I was saying to Autai, if your raid group happens to fall apart from people dropping out just because emissary rewards that aren’t always available and are poorly itemized got a small ilvl bump, I’m pretty sure they were going to stop raiding sooner or later anyway. Someone who legitimately cares about the quality of their gear is going to know better than to just chase that silly ilvl bump and they’ll keep right on raiding to pick up those last few pieces they might be missing.
This entire topic would be a much more persuasive if emissaries started dropping literal raid gear the way the Timewalking and Mythic weeklies do (and they would need to do so more regularly than never since Azerite caches like to disappear for long periods of time). But that’s hardly the case, and this sounds like it’ll only be separating the wheat from the chaff if it legitimately causes people to stop raiding.
Well the whole conquest system this xpac is busted from the ground up, but that’s an entirely different issue.
Which is funny, since games, especially MMOs, are all about that repetition right down to their core. Warcraft has been repetitive since day one so seeing people suddenly get fed up with it now is a strange thing to witness.
I’m upset because there’s nothing to motivate me to do it. And I don’t know where you’re getting ‘forced’ from. Blizzard has never put a gun to my head.
…was that supposed to be a revelation? I said right at the very start what my primary motivations for raiding was, being transmog. ilevel would have been enough to keep me interested in raiding, but with getting heroic gear from warfronts, pvp quests and now emissaries? Why bother?
In contrast: I am still constantly doing Legion raids because I find the content there rewarding.
If you were raiding solely for gear, you are correct you might as well not. Everyone will be better for it though because people don’t generally like to raid with people only raiding for gear. Those are the people who rage, who will quit at the first sign of trouble, who in guilds will just quit raiding after they get what they want - i.e. generally people just better off not raiding.
Lets examine why you do that then. If you are only in the raid for gear, that is actually the sensible thing to do because you can join another group and get the gear faster/easier. Now why do you stay.
you put up with all that raid bs for a title,mount,xmog and of course the highest lvl gear if rng is on your mite do a mythic raid boss and get nothing…F that.
thats the only reason you raid other wise there is no reason to raid.