I have no reason to raid anymore

If all you’re raiding for is loot and not for the enjoyment of overcoming something with a group of friends then yea, you have no reason to raid.

I stopped raiding in BC once I realized that I hated spending time with people in a large group for several hours every week. Honestly, no aspect of this game should require any incentivization other than the pure joy of doing so… the incentives should just be there to get you to try an aspect of the game to see if you like it or not.


Not being a white knight but:

Blizzard has explained time and time again why the ilevels have to jump that much. If they didn’t you wouldn’t notice the improvement in gear. That is the sweetspot, 15 ilevels. any less and you just don’t feel you are hitting any harder or your rotations are improving in any significant way. That is just how players react, not the game.


There’s nothing I would get out of running it at a higher difficulty because they’re removing the things that would motivate me to do so. That’s…kind of Blizzard’s fault?

Yes. It is. I’ve stated that multiple times. Why haven’t you figured out that a thread about why I have no reason to raid might be about my personal opinion, experience and motivation?

The entire point of the system is for bad RNG (something I have always been plagued with) and a means for returning players to catch up.

Why is that so offensive to you? All I ever hear these days from raiders is “My raid team is dying” yet when Bliz implements catch up mechanics all I see are people complaining about it.


I do agree with you about basically insane ilvl loot raining down from the sky without having to do much to get it, but Legion all the ilvl went up from the emissaries each tier so not sure why you are shocked by this.

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The MYTHIC sets look incredible, but the heroic and normal may as well be vendor gear. Mythic should be special but it’s not really fair that they basically ignore the lower difficulties gear sets. Except LFR, that should be a potato sack every time.

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Thats why though, raid teams are dieing because getting powerful gear is a solo endeavor these days.

Players dont need to be a part of anything larger than themselves to advance their character.


I’m going to keep raiding because it’s fun. If you’ve beaten BoD heroic, good for you. Then you technically are right, you don’t have to raid anymore.

if you play the game because you need loot, well…here ya go, pretty easy.

Really I am not sure what you’re complaining about.


Say what? Since when? What did I miss?

If that is true than Blizzard really have no idea, some of my guild only just got their AOTC and it took 3.5 hours on just 2 bosses to get it, we kept our lock open so we could invite guildies and some of them got no gear, but now they can just run into 4 WQ’s and get a free piece of gear like it is nothing?

What the hell Blizzard?


This game is stupid, but yet I still play. Whoa is me

Personally if those changes are legit, I will enjoy that because it will make it nice for Alts

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they did this with the last tier as well. who knows what will happen in 9.0 but it’s already been established that this is the way bfa will continue to go. i’m glad WQ will go up. will give me a reason to do them on some of my toons. WQ is a lot more fun than raiding to ME. i did some normal uldir when it was out and didn’t enjoy it. the last raid i really enjoyed though was nighthold.

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you raid for titles and what else?

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The simple solution to the whole gear problem is to make no loot drop at all from any current end game content but create a point system where you get points for all the stuff you complete via mythic, raid, lfr, world quest, etc etc. Make a vendor in SW and ORG to spend your points buying the gear you want with the traits and stats you want.
Problem solved easily.


this is going to be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of guilds still progressing in heroic

it’s already hard to get raiders to log on and now all that effort is undermined when you can progress your character with afk solo play.

if you’re still throwing out the idea that we shouldn’t raid for gear, the conversation being had is going over your head and you aren’t offering anything to it.

people can raid for any amount of reasons; telling players that why they play is fundamentally wrong is probably one of the dumbest things ive read but it’s being perpuated by the types who live on these forums so.

color me not surprised


Lol if blizzard thinks this will keep subs they aren’t paying attention. Invalidating heroic raiding because terribads cry about their anxiety attacks is how you lose subs.


Coming from the person who called me an idiot.

I’d rather heroic raiding just merely be something to do, not the be-all-end-all to gearing.

Like how it was in WOD.

(I.E, I’d rather Wrath/MOP/Legion with current systems.)

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Egh, not a big deal. Most heroic raiders are already over ilvl 400 and wont be effected by 395 emmisaries. The only thing they could possibly gain here is better traits, and thats unlikely as the raid traits are generally better for most classes.

But in typical gd fashion, never turn down a chance for some qq


You aren’t wrong that gear will always become obsolete, except it used to only become obsolete because you replaced it from the next raid tier. You didn’t make gear obsolete in BC by going and killing 20 boars. You did it by killing the liche king. Gear went obsolete through the expansion very slowly, now its obsolete every few months. It creates a “why even bother” if your character infinitely get stronger and then there is no carrot on the stick anymore. Its just a stick.


I dont like raiding much but I do it because I like playing with my guild and we only raid one day a week. Honestly, if you dont enjoy it you should be happy that you have the option to not do it, and still progress your character.