I have no reason to raid anymore

Isn’t Azerite gear just a “build your own tier set”?

Yes, but they are a boring. They basically got rid of tier so they could make M+ a true alternate to raiding.

Blizzard loves that people will just spam this type of content, because just like AARPGs there really isn’t an end, you just keep scaling up the difficulty.

I don’t care how much people want to argue, this game doesn’t really resemble much of a MMORPG anymore, it is WoW 2.0 with a focus on arcade style rather than an immersive RPG.

But hey, as long as dungeons are relevant the entire expansion that is all the matters. It is great for padding their MAUs.

Don’t get me wrong either, there are players out there that love this style of gaming. AARPGs are popular for a reason, but turning WoW into one was a slap in the face of all the MMO fans that supported this game for over a decade.



(As someone who likes reading your reasonings, my “why” is not intended to be inflammatory, and perhaps this was already answered in the following three days after you made this post)

Because harder content usually rewards better gear. Its how games create incentive to do tasks on top of that accomplished feeling one gets. It also creates a progression system where there are steps or levels a person reaches, using gear as the metric as they climb to harder content, to get better gear, to do harder, to get better. It’s how you create player retention naturally with good design.

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This is a fair reason, to me, and I think so too. Gear is a very easy, “tangible” reward to devoting time to your game and overall class/spec.


Ilevel increases to emissaries would be a non issue if raid tier sets still existed.

well they already said by end of expac emissaries will exceed the final raid wings mythic ilvl. The forward path is max progression through world quests as a game design.

Cool looking sets make a big difference. I forced myself to do LFR Antorus every week specifically to complete the white tinted Druid class armor set.


I wish each class still had tier sets just for the transmog.

Even having class-specific transmog-only sets would have been great.

BFA sucks having no tier sets and no transmog options worth mentioning. This is one expansion where running raids for mogs seems pointless (at least for cloth wearers).

But in order to progress to the harder bosses, teams typically do have to let the raid reset. Others extend the lockout so they can push deeper.

You’re also comparing the ability of a casual getting 1 piece of gear potentially every couple of days to a raider who can potentially get 3-4 upgrades in a couple of hours. Plus the loot table for emissary gear is incredibly small.

So yes it really IS fine. Because someone decked out in 385 world quest gear is likely going to take a lot longer to get there then someone who raids every week getting decked out in 385 BoD gear , plus the BoD gear typically has more optimized stats / better traits.

You said that it’s fine if other methods of play reward raid quality gear, as long as they are raid quality effort. That leaves raiding as the only content with high quality gear and Raid or Die as the name of endgame content. What do people care if gear is available through non raiding methods? Are they mad that they don’t feel as cool with raid epics? Are they afraid that easier paths to gear will leech players from the pool of available raiders?

I can see the second one being a valid concern, but it isn’t easier gear that caused me to stop raiding. It was the fact that so many people seem to be dropping WoW that none of my friends play anymore, and any guild I join is either doing Mythic progression, or nothing. And the fights in BfA have not been some of the best. Uldir was so terrible it basically made me lose any interest. In fact, Uldir was the first raid that I didn’t care to beat on at least Normal before the next tier came out, since the launch of Wrath of the Lich King.

The game has way bigger problems than me being able to gear up at 1/7th the speed of someone who raids at a Normal difficulty.

Just tell them they should be doing WQs/Warfronts for fun and because they like the content, not for the gear upgrades. Truth hurts for most people, tbh.

Maybe I am just the weirdo here, but I only raid when I feel like it. I only do my emissaries when I feel like it. I do the content that I feel like doing at the time, the rewards of said content factor in but primarily I will just do what I want to do.

Has WoW really just became chasing the best source of gear whether any fun is had or not, and claiming that “unfun” content shouldn’t reward any gear because then people wouldn’t feel “forced” into doing it?

My honest philosophy here is that if you don’t want to raid, gear up through world content. If you don’t like grinding world content, gear up through raiding. If those both suck, do mythic+. If you hate ALL of those, then PVP and professions can give something at least.

Why is it always a bunch of folks claiming that only their way should be worth it? An hour of raiding or an hour of world quests is still an hour played, just let people play and gear however. These players are no worse than Blizzard trying to shoehorn everyone into playing the game the same way.

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Because one of those hours of gameplay requires significantly more game knowledge and general ability to press buttons and react to a series of game events happening in relatively rapid succession around you simultaneously, and people like to feel rewarded for knowing how to do those things. Why do you think MOBAs have rankings? It’s a human thing.


So the short of it is that you just want to feel better than everyone and you can’t stand it that anyone you mark as inferior to your skill level has access to similar rewards.

Not everyone can raid, not everyone wants to. They don’t need to be stuck in blues just because you deem world content and non-raid activities as unworthy.

You get your rewards for doing your content, some of the best rewards in the game, so why does it bother you that other people get rewards for doing their content? Does it diminish your reward in some way? Or just the prestige of it?

A guy wrestling in the Olympics gets a gold medal if he beats everyone. A kid wrestling in middle school will also get a gold medal if he beats everyone. Do you think the Olympic wrestler gets mad because the middle school kid also gets a gold medal? He wasn’t wrestling at an Olympic level. He doesn’t know nearly as much and didn’t practice nearly as long as the Olympian did.

The answer is he probably doesn’t care because he still got his medal for his achievement and his time invested.

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Your responses are just flat out stupid. This is a video game or it at least was prior to this shift in over rewarding trivial solo content.

This idea that solo players should have rewards on par with any group content rewards has destroyed progression in this game.

The older versions of the game nailed this and I’m sorry if you don’t have the time, social skills, game skills and other requirements to do group content then you shouldn’t be playing WoW. WoW was always a raid focused game that used dungeons as a stepping into this content.

Sure, some of non group content did offer some rewards that were decent, but as a whole dungeons and raids always provided the best rewards and that is how it should be. This is the best carrot for real MMO players, not this RNG loot system that has a chance to offer Mythic level raid rewards for content that is so trivial.

Having raid level loot drop in mundane world content just kills people desire to tackle this content. It has nothing to do with you at all, this system effects them. No one cares one bit about your gear you are or not getting. They are pissed because their compensation for killing raid bosses is being handed out in content that requires no effort or skill.

If you can’t see how this is problem then you need to get your head examined. You are the typical player that they are catering to now, so you won’t see the light. People like you love this system because you can still play the game as a solo player and get decent rewards while spamming 1 ability.

This game sucks now because of this extreme catering to people that don’t really want to play a M M O R P G! Why play an online game if you have an aversion to grouping or social interactions? Please for the love of god too, don’t tell you are playing WoW for the story and the lore, because that is just too funny!!!

catchup mechanics are necessary to help get players up to speed with the current patch cycle, i just think they released this particular wave too early. Should of been released in line with the azshara raid.

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They are not needed anymore with CRZ. You could play through the content now easily because finding groups is easy.

This idea of “playing the patch” has been a dumb idea since it’s inception.

Many, many other things have destroyed progression in this game. Alternative gearing methods and gear catch-ups have existed in WoW as far back as BC so try again. Back before them, entire raid groups would fall apart when 2 people quit because the only way to replace them was to gear someone up through every raid and get them attuned.

This is currently true as well, no other method of play has returns on time invested like raiding does.

It’s true I don’t raid right now, but you are welcome to check out my achievement page. I have every AOTC from Garrosh to Gul’dan, around a dozen expac-relevant achievement mounts, and 8 mage tower skins across 4 classes. I also remember as far back as Wrath, people being able to grind their way to a 2p tier set bonus through marks of valor without ever having to set foot in a raid or learn a mechanic. Raiders lost their minds over that too and Wrath was Peak WoW.

Do get over yourself. WoD focused on using raid gear as an incentive to lure non-raiders into raiding. They didn’t start raiding, they quit. That is why WoD saw sub members halve themselves and never recover.

I’ve been playing this game for 11 years and I was a heroic level raider for most of it, and could easily do so again if the game was holding my interest enough. Just because I objectively view it as healthy to have multiple gear sources, regardless of difficulty, you think you can lump me in as some incapable scrub which is just laughable. Again, check my achievements page. It seems I have 200 more points in the dungeon/raid achievements tab than you do.

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Groups for previous tiers within an xpac are essentially non-existent outside of LFR and even those groups have large queue times and difficulty finding replacements.

I wouldn’t go so far as saying you’re wrong, but in practice finding groups outside of organized guilds or communities for previous tiers of current xpac content is very difficult.

Then don’t raid… problem solved.

There is more to raiding than gear. If you are only doing it for gear then maybe you should not raid.