I have no reason to raid anymore

As I said before I wonder if this is an indication that not very many people are actually raiding or doing M+.

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These complaints are just invalid.

Everyone who disagrees with me is just wrong. I hope they learn the truth before the end, for their sakes.

Its a month or so until 8.2. The tier is near over. This is to help people clear out a few bosses and prepare for the next expac.

You can always delete your gear if you think its too powerful.

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Was talking about it last night. Removal of tier sets as well does not help the raiding scene.

Our raid leader was telli g me of a 3k io Pali that is still using Antorus set for the 40% bonus

They are valid complaints. Why invalidate people’s gear to help clear a boss? They have never done this until BfA, they use to nerf the encounters.

If loot is your only reason to raid, you don’t like raiding.


Yes they did. Ilvl drops increased with each raid tier.

I think where people are missing this is that CoS is being treat as half of that. It’s bumping ilvls, but it’s only 2 bosses and doesn’t end the AOTC/CE hunt for BoD.


Well I really don’t remember this being the case in previous xpacs. Wrath did give ways to catch up, but they weren’t implemented until the next raid dropped and then people could get the last tier with badges. MoP didn’t have a catchup I don’t think until ToT dropped. WoD was a blur of badness, I don’t remember anything about that xpac except sitting in my garrison.

Maybe this changed in Legion? IDK, I was raiding then and really wasn’t looking at it. But this does seem different to me.

It’s definitely different now. It was Legion where it felt like doing normal of next tier was comparable to mythic from previous tier. Ion even said the “30 ilvls” feels like a good bump up with each raid tier.

I don’t mind, it’s not something that effects me as I don’t raid, but I do see why people feel the way they do. This whole expansion has felt off in one way or another.

Problem is weapons have a few slim chance of drop from emissary, unless its just my bad luck. I still have this 355 offhand.

And it seems the chances for weaps doing a warfront has had it’s drop chance changed…or I was really lucky on 5 toons.

I only think the issue here is that it happened with CoS where they’re bumping ilvls on this non-prog raid. If max ilvls was bumped 10 ivls as well so that CoS Mythic could get 435 then I think people wouldn’t be as concerned.

Agreed. Raiding and doing higher tier Mythic+ has been moot this expansion, since, there’s no point to it. It doesn’t feel that great, when folks who don’t do the same tier of content, are near close in ilvl and output by solo playing or doing not so hard content.


Probably not at all.

With this change why don’t they go all the way and open WQ and emissaries to 415 gear? I deserve to progress too, right?

Makes sense to go mythic raiding after all the shell games I’ve won.

Loot raining from the sky and extreme accessibility for 98% of the content. Who would have thought players are losing their motivation to play.

WoW isn’t a video game anymore for like 90% of it’s content, it is a basically turned into a collection of easy and boring mini games that focuses on collecting cosmetic items for it’s rewards.

Yes, hard content exists in the game, but why would people care when they can AFK their way to seeing 98% of all the content.

This design mantra has been eroding away the game for years now.

Blizzard needs to get back to their roots and actually focus on making a MMORPG again, instead of worrying about catering to people that only can play the game 1-2 hours per week and have an aversion to socializing and grouping in a MMO.

If they were smart, they would create content that was tailored to this demographic instead of forcing them into raiding, dugneoneering and PVP. That way they could get rid of all the raid difficulties and just return to an Ulduar style raiding with hardmodes and 1 difficulty making the content require some skill and socialization to see. Seeing the content is a great carrot and it worked very well in the past. LFR basically gives that carrot away for zero work, along with all the gear raining down from other trivial content.

MMO raiding was always a social activity that required team work, organization and socialization. This activity in itself was great for keeping players engaged because it required more effort to see the content and as a by product people formed friendships that also kept people playing longer.

Nowadays, I never have seen so much apathy from the player base. LFR and other content that is designed with this mindset is killing this game. I don’t care what these foaming at the mouth white knights say on these forums, this type of content is a MMO killer.

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I am not getting “pissy” at all. Thanks, though.

That statement is definitely not true. Maybe I am just quibbling over details. But the rest of the gear (which is just 4 pieces) is getting 5-10 ilvls. Where the upgrades now are getting 10-15 ilvls on every piece.

But hey. Who needs things like “details” when you can just say anyone that is disagreeing with you is just getting pissy.

I’m not very enthusiastic about this either, but a person who raids will have more chances at loot compared to someone who relies on world quests.

You do realize those two quotes don’t equivocate to the same thing right? Context matters. Me pointing at the ilvl increase of raid gear in Crucible is not the same as me saying every single item was getting 10-15 ilvl. Nice try at strawmanning me though I guess. Keep looking, I’m sure you can cut and paste quotes to make it appeared I said exactly what you claim I said.

Excuse me while I go enjoy the awesome new rewards that were implemented today :slight_smile:

You’re 7/9 Normal and 0/9 Heroic. I’m not sure anyone cares how you feel about raiding.

removing tier sets was a mistake. i had many alts i ran through antorus pugs just to get 4p bonuses. now i don’t even bother trying raids since uldir.