I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

Hahaha thats great

The real point is that if every single DPS in that raid was doing as poorly as you were, you wouldn’t be able to clear Naxx 25. Actually wouldn’t.

There is a minimum level of performance needed.

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Not once, but twice


Seriously. How?

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Its obvs his gear dude otherwise he would be top damage and never die lmfao

Not true at all, you can look at the spread on logs and search by ilvl brackets.

This is pure copium and you don’t know how logs work.

For example here’s Grobb with sin rogues at 196-199 ilvl…look how different the spread is.


There is no “just make everyone naked and beat something for 5 minutes” people will still do it better and worse than others.

Lmfaoooo giga roasted

I personally only care about my DPS vs the top players in my guild and top players in the world. I don’t even look at who the bottom dps are. Couldn’t care less. Besides that’s for the guild and raid leaders to sort out.

What I find interesting is how someone with the exact gear as me doing the exact same rotation as me, can pump out an extra 1000+ dps.

I spent a good hour or 2 after my raid comparing my logs to the top players in the world and find it so interesting.

What I’ve discovered is the best players in the world’s boss encounters are much quicker than mine and that’s where I think the discrepancy comes from. You do your maximum dps at the start of the fight when the raid is dropping all their big cooldowns along with heroism. So you’ll do huge damage at the front end and then slowly your dps drops as the encounter progresses.

If your raid group is very strong, the encounter is shorter which then shows your dps much higher as the boss dies closer to that heroism window.

Anyway, fascinating stuff. I can’t believe some raiders don’t do this

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I mean we already knew that kekw

He averaged 3050 DPS over all kills, I was doing more at level 70.

He’s full cope mode.

That makes a HUGE difference in performance.

(Example numbers pulled out of nowhere)

Hero: 40 sec
Pot: 15s x2
Class CDs: 20s on 3m CDs
Raid mana for full burn: 3m15s

If the fight lasts 3m that’s 180 seconds. You’ve got all CDs running for almost 25% of the fight and no resource issues.

If the fight goes longer than that you’re now running into everything on CD and casters going into regen prepping for CDs to come back up… go too long and healers are running with nothing in the tank, focus begins to fail raid wide, and people start dying.

A 2 minute kill and a 4 minute kill have a world of difference in what your numbers will look like when that loot drops.

Tldr; you spend all your free time on the same hobby we do. Only difference is you don’t like to invest effort into becoming effecient during this time spent. You are faced with a metric that shows you are severely underperforming and should probably adjust as to become a better teammate to those who group and clear content with you.

Instead of going “wow, theres more i can improve on let me see what the numbers are showing” – you default to a toxic, defensive position where you rose-tint goggle competitive gaming and lash out with the “us vs them” mentality at people who simply wanted to get better with their character.


I’m not a parsenerd but I do like looking at them to see what I can improve on and things I am doing wrong. If people like doing that, that is their prerogative. Some people are competitive like me, and want to play the game as efficiently and best as possible. I for one used to hate pve and was a glad mage who only pvp’d, now this time around I want to see how good I can do raiding. What’s so wrong about that? I already learned a few things I was doing wrong from looking at parses, for example I thought I had to reapply corruption everytime i got an RNG buff and learned everything rolls over except %dmg and crit% modifiers for example tricks of the trade or deaths embrace.( Im on my phone so I apologize for the huge paragraphs)

I disagree. There are large discrepancies between players as to what priority they put on spells, their ability to keep that rotation timed and not miss buttons, and and their ability to keep that rotation going for 5 minutes with no down time.

These things are all expressed in logs and easy to look over. Further, logs classify based off of ilvl, so the people in the parses at grey level are similar gear level to those parsing gold in their category…which clearly shows this discrepancy.

Yeah parsing has ruined this game. The nerds have destroyed something good like they do with everything in their lives.

Says the guy who couldn’t even hit 1 button properly a few years back.


If you dont look at parses how do you know the real reson you get kicked.

You dont like to challenge yourself.

You realize that was after i just hit 60 and I had like no gear LUL. It was also in a pug LUL. This is also an ult I rarely play.

You are just a nerd with nothing better to do in your life besides compete with other nerds on some 3rd party website for irrelevant things. No one cares about your wow parse in real life.

No one besides other losers.

We get it.

You vape.

No you are just a nerd with no life. I’d show you my warlock with all purps without every using a flask but I don’t need to have more stalkers like you following me around online.

Get a hobby besides stalking others online you freak.

Parsing is weird and is very dependent on comp/kill times/etc

I was very good in phase 3-4 tbc but not so much in phase 2. I think it was more of a factor of my raid getting its crap together to kill Vashj mifway than any personal difference

We get it.

You Vape.