I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

Since tbc* began that is.

On my unholy DK ive cleared naxx 25 and 10 twice now. Almost full bis. I decided early on that i want to play 2h scourge strike unholy. Being fully aware of the fact that dual wield morb is better dps. Why? I find the playstyle fun.

Games are supposed to be fun, not a cookie cutter assembly line of a thousand characters all built the exact same. The purpose of unholy is to buff magic damage for the raid and do good dps.

I absolutely refuse to have my experience in this game be determined by a spreadsheet or min/max hysteria. This is why I have never, and will never look at a parse of mine. In classic vanilla it drove me insane to the point where i quit in aq40. Any time i would get my world buff purged, or would die early on, i would get upset and not want to play.

I learned from that. Since then, I have never opened classic warcraft logs and my guild mates know not to talk about my parse. Anyone who doesnt respect my wishes gets ignored in-game be it a guild member or not.

Now i’m not just being lazy. I enchant all my gear, and get my rotations down perfectly. I just don’t do AS much damage as the spreadsheet min/max parse monkeys. My guild has had no problems killing bosses, has had no problems with DPS checks, and has had no problems with me being 2h Unholy. I actually enjoy the game when i’m not concerned about what a randomly generated spreadsheet says I should play.


You’re not having fun unless a third-party spreadsheet indicates that you’re having fun.


So what happened that you needed to post this thread for validation? It’s okay, OP, we are here for you.


I haven’t even heard of parses until WotLK pre-patch. I liked vanilla, maxed level in TBC and logged off for a year. Where does one go to find these parses? Is it an addon?


Okay? Do you seek approval or something?


If raids dies in normal time and i’m not last dps on the list - i don’t care about logs. Why people are saving them are beyond me. Probably one of the reasons why mmo genre is on decline


Youre missing out. I find a lot of enjoyment analyzing other player’s of my same class’s parses trying to figure out how they out damaged me. Then I can get an idea and then next week I try to beat them.
That’s just the kind of player I am. I try to be the very best. This attitude also reflects in real life as well and is probably why I have such a successful and amazing life.

You should try it


I like checking my parse, but i mostly compare to myself or guildmates. I dont care that 1000s of others play the spec better than me.


Warcraftlogs and it only works if someone in your group was logging the fights.

lmao WRONG

okay cool.

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your opinion only counts if parses are orange.


guess im here to stay then:)

Make sure you disable your damage meter too so your feels dont get hurt


Grats on being edgy and different.


This game is easy anyway lol. You can barely go wrong with whatever build you do lol.

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Ok. I’m curious what it was that made you feel the need to post this


Wait till phase 2 let’s see how many hard modes you’re able to complete.

See if people are saying how easy the content is on No light yog.

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Ok and people like parsing to get the dopamine rush of the color orange so what was your point in posting this?

Is this just like a dear diary post or something? Both parties can exist and have fun.


It’s a grey parser talking about why he likes to grey parse.