I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

No you don’t get it, you are a loser stalker… Get a life nerd. Why do you think I post on this char?

For losers like you.

what rock did you stay under for decades?

Its ok.

Vaping is ok

Stalking is not ok though, nerd. Get a life LUL. Posting the same thing doesn’t solve your lingering issues.

Vape nation

Is this you?



Nice blues and greens on your main. LULULULUUL.

Nice oranges and purples i have as well

So much this

1 Like

Bug you have blues and greens LUL.

And you are bragging. How dumb can a person be.

I bet you were full consumed and still got blues and greens LUL.

Green loatheb has a reason. You’d know if you actually looked at the log

Blue and green andy LUL

We get it.

You vape

We get it you are embarrassed.

Why would I be embarrassed of a couple of blues and a green that clearly was an achievement (Which we got by the way)?

embarrassed would mean hiding my logs.

100% this

It’s like if I’m going to spend time to play the game why would I not try to be good at the game I don’t understand them mentality of well I’m just going to log in have fun and press some buttons for 15 years…

I don’t get why people can devote so much time to something and just be happy being mediocre at it…

59% avg performance LULULULULU.

You are a turd.

You really shouldn’t be calling people out while you’re hiding…

He shouldn’t have started it… Especially for an obvious alt that isn’t played LUL.

But I’m willing to bet your average is lower

It isn’t for my lock.